Commonwealth Electoral Amendment (Refinement) Act 2018

Act No. 2 of 2018. Introduced by /u/PineappleCrusher_. Assented to 2018-01-15.


The Parliament of the
Commonwealth of AustraliaSim


As read a third time

Commonwealth Electoral Amendment
(Refinement) Bill 2017
No.           , 2017
(Senator PineappleCrusher_ )

A Bill for an Act to amend the law relating to
parliamentary elections, and for related purposes
                1 Short title ....................................................................................................... 1
                2 Commencement ............................................................................................. 1
                3 Schedules ....................................................................................................... 2

Schedule 1—Repeal of the Commonwealth Electoral Act 2017                                                                            3
          Commonwealth Electoral Act 2017                                                                                           3
Schedule 2—Amendments                                                                                                               4
          Commonwealth Electoral Act 1918                                                                                           4

No.   , 2017        Commonwealth Electoral Amendment (Refinement) Bill 2017                                                          i
 1   A Bill for an Act to amend the law relating to
 2   parliamentary elections, and for related purposes
 3   The Parliament of AustraliaSim enacts:
 4   1 Short title
 5                  This Act is the Commonwealth Electoral Amendment (Refinement)
 6                  Act 2017.

 7   2 Commencement
 8            (1) Each provision of this Act specified in column 1 of the table
 9                commences, or is taken to have commenced, in accordance with
10                column 2 of the table. Any other statement in column 2 has effect
11                according to its terms.

     No.   , 2017        Commonwealth Electoral Amendment (Refinement) Bill 2017      1
         Commencement information
         Column 1              Column 2                                            Column 3
         Provisions            Commencement                                        Date/Details
         1. The whole of       The day this Act receives the Royal Assent.
         this Act
 1                     Note:      This table relates only to the provisions of this Act as originally
 2                                enacted. It will not be amended to deal with any later amendments of
 3                                this Act.

 4              (2) Any information in column 3 of the table is not part of this Act.
 5                  Information may be inserted in this column, or information in it
 6                  may be edited, in any published version of this Act.

 7   3 Schedules
 8                     Legislation that is specified in a Schedule to this Act is amended or
 9                     repealed as set out in the applicable items in the Schedule
10                     concerned, and any other item in a Schedule to this Act has effect
11                     according to its terms.

     2                Commonwealth Electoral Amendment (Refinement) Bill 2017             No.    , 2017
                                        Repeal of the Commonwealth Electoral Act 2017
                                                                          Schedule 1

1   Schedule 1—Repeal of the Commonwealth
2         Electoral Act 2017
3   Commonwealth Electoral Act 2017
4   1 The whole of the Act
5           Repeal the Act.

    No.   , 2017      Commonwealth Electoral Amendment (Refinement) Bill 2017      3
     Schedule 2 Amendments

 1   Schedule 2—Amendments

 3   Commonwealth Electoral Act 1918
 4   1 Subsection 4(1)
 5          Insert:
 6                    alt account means an alternate Reddit account used by a person
 7                    in addition to one which is already used in /r/AustraliaSim.

 8   2 Subsection 4(1)
 9          Insert:
10                    Moderator is the title of a person who is part of the moderation
11                    team, which administrates the subreddit with supreme meta
12                    authority.

13   3 Subsection 4(1)
14          Insert:
15                    Spreadsheet means the Master Spreadsheet of /r/AustraliaSim.

16   4 Subsection 4(1) (definition of Subdivision)
17          Repeal the definition.

18   5 Subsection 81(1)
19          Omit “each State and Territory”, substitute “the whole of Australia”.

20   6 Subsections 82(2) (3) and (4)
21          Repeal the subsections.

22   7 Subsection 85(1)
23          Omit “Subdivision, Division, State or Territory”, substitute “Division”.

24   8 Subsection 85(2)
25          Repeal the subsection.

26   9 Paragraph 86(1)(a)
27          Repeal the paragraph.

     4         Commonwealth Electoral Amendment (Refinement) Bill 2017     No.   , 2017
                                                                 Amendments Schedule 2

 1   10 Paragraph 86(1)(b)
 2           Omit “or a new Subdivision”.

 3   11 Paragraph 86(1)(c)
 4           Omit “or of an existing Subdivision”.

 5   12 Subsection 86(1)
 6           Omit:
 7                   new Rolls shall be prepared in respect of each Division or
 8                   Subdivision created or otherwise affected by reason of the
 9                   circumstance referred to in paragraph (a), (b) or (c) by making
10                   any necessary transfer of electors between Rolls for existing
11                   Divisions or Subdivisions or between Rolls for existing
12                   Divisions or Subdivisions and Rolls for new Divisions or
13                   Subdivisions.
15           Substitute:
16                   new Rolls shall be prepared in respect of each Division created
17                   or otherwise affected by reason of the circumstance referred to
18                   in paragraph (b) or (c) by making any necessary transfer of
19                   electors between Rolls for existing Divisions or between Rolls
20                   for existing Division and Rolls for new Divisions.

21   13 Section 87
22           Omit “Subdivision”, substitute “Division”.

23   14 Subsection 90A(1)

24           Omit:

25                   A copy of the Roll for a Division is to be available, at any time
26                           during ordinary office hours, for public inspection
27                           without fee at:

28           substitute:

29                   A copy of the Roll for a Division is to be available, at any time,
30                           for public inspection without fee on

     No.   , 2017      Commonwealth Electoral Amendment (Refinement) Bill 2017           5
     Schedule 2 Amendments

 1   15 Paragraphs 90A(1)(a) (b) and (c)
 2          Repeal the paragraphs.

 3   16 Subsection 90A(1)
 4          After “on”, insert “the Master Spreadsheet or any other platform the
 5          Electoral Commission determines”.

 6   17 Paragraph 93(1)(a)
 7          Repeal the paragraph.

 8   18 Subparagraphs 93(1)(b)(i) and (ii)
 9          Repeal the subparagraphs, substitute:
10                           (i) citizens of AustraliaSim; and
11                           (ii) not an alt account;

12   19 Subsection 93(2)
13          Omit “for the State that includes that Division”.

14   20 Paragraph 93(3)(b)
15          Repeal the paragraph, substitute “is not eligible in accordance with
16          paragraph 93(1)(b) of this Act;”.

17   21 Subsection 93(4)
18          Repeal the subsection.

19   22 Paragraph 93(8)(b)
20          After “pardoned;”, insert “or”.

21   23 Subsection 93(8)
22          After paragraph (b), insert:
23                  (c) has been stripped of their voting rights in accordance with
24                  the Code of Conduct Act 2017;”.

25   24 Paragraphs 98AA(2)(a) (b) and (d)
26          Repeal the paragraphs.

27   25 Subsection 98(1)
28          Omit “or claims for age 16 enrolment”.

     6         Commonwealth Electoral Amendment (Refinement) Bill 2017    No.      , 2017
                                                                 Amendments Schedule 2

 1   26 Subsection 98(3)
 2           Omit “or for age 16 enrolment”.

 3   27 Section 100
 4           Repeal the section.

 5   28 Subparagraph 123(1)(a)(ii)
 6           Omit “500 members; and”, substitute “4 members.”

 7   29 Paragraph 123(1)(b)
 8           Repeal the paragraph.

 9   30 Paragraph 132(1)(c)
10           Omit “:”, substitute “on any platform deemed appropriate by the
11           Commission.”.

12   31 Subparagraphs 132(1)(c)(i) and (ii)
13           Repeal the subparagraphs.

14   32 Paragraph 132(1)(d)
15           Repeal the paragraph.

16   33 Subsection 141(5)
17           Omit “Administrative Appeals Tribunal”, substitute “High Court of
18           AustraliaSim”.

19   34 Subsections 141(6) (6A) (8) (9) and (10)
20           Repeal the subsections.

21   35 Section 151
22           Repeal the section.

23   36 Subsection 152(1)
24           Omit “for States, Senators for Territories” and “the Governor of a
25           State”.

26   37 Subsection 153(1)
27           Omit “for the State or Territory for which the election is to be held”.

     No.   , 2017      Commonwealth Electoral Amendment (Refinement) Bill 2017         7
     Schedule 2 Amendments

 1   38 Subsection 153(2)
 2          Omit “for a State or Territory”.

 3   39 Paragraph 153(2)(b)
 4          Repeal the paragraph, substitute “advertise receipt of, and particulars of,
 5          the writ in any appropriate platform deemed necessary by the Electoral
 6          Commission.”.

 7   40 Paragraphs 153(c) and (d)
 8          Repeal the paragraphs.

 9   41 Paragraph 154(4)(b)
10          Repeal the paragraph, substitute “advertise receipt of, and particulars of,
11          the writ in any appropriate platform deemed necessary by the Electoral
12          Commission.”.

13   42 Section 155
14          Omit “is the seventh day after the date of the writ”, substitute “shall be
15          three days before the fixed date of election on the writ”.

16   43 Section 156
17          Repeal the section, substitute “The date fixed for the nomination of
18          candidates shall be two days before the fixed date of election on the
19          writ.”.

20   44 Section 157
21          Omit “23 days nor more than 31 days after the date of nomination”,
22          substitute “5 days nor more than 10 days after the issuing of the writs”.

23   45 Section 159
24          Omit “100 days”, substitute “5 days”.

25   46 Section 161
26          Repeal the section.

27   47 Subsection 163(1)
28          Repeal the subsection, substitute “A person who is an AustraliaSim
29          citizen and is enrolled on the electoral roll is qualified to be elected as a
30          Senator or a member of the House of Representatives.”.

     8         Commonwealth Electoral Amendment (Refinement) Bill 2017        No.   , 2017
                                                                  Amendments Schedule 2

 1   48 Part XV
 2           Repeal the Part.

 3   49 Subsection 209(5)
 4           Repeal the subsection.

 5   50 Paragraph 209(6)(a)
 6           Repeal the paragraph.

 7   51 Paragraph 220(b)
 8           Repeal the paragraph, substitute “Polls shall open at 6:00pm, and shall
 9           not close until twenty-four hours have passed;”

10   52 Paragraph 220(c)
11           Repeal the paragraph.

12   53 Subsection 221(1)
13           Omit “for the election of Senators for the State or Territory for which he
14           or she in enrolled”, substitute “once”.

15   54 Subsection 222(1)
16           Repeal the subsection, substitute “On polling day an elector is entitled
17           to vote electronically on the platform designated by the Electoral
18           Commission.”.

19   55 Subsection 222(1A)
20           Repeal the subsection.

21   56 Paragraph 283(1)(a)
22           Omit “for the State or Territory concerned”.

23   57 Subparagraph 283(1)(c)(i)
24           Repeal the subparagraph.

25   58 Subparagraph 283(1)(c)(ii)
26           Omit “if it was not issued in respect of a State”.

     No.   , 2017      Commonwealth Electoral Amendment (Refinement) Bill 2017          9
    Schedule 2 Amendments

1   59 Subsection 284(1)
2          Omit “for the State or Territory concerned”.

3   60 Subsection 284(2)
4          Repeal the subsection.

    10        Commonwealth Electoral Amendment (Refinement) Bill 2017   No.   , 2017

