Family Law Act (Miscellaneous) Amendment Act 2018

Act No. 7 of 2018. Introduced by /u/tobycool2001_1. Assented to 2018-09-03.


The Parliament of the
Commonwealth of Australia


Presented and read a first time

Family Law Act (Miscellaneous)
Amendment Bill 2018
No.           , 2018

A Bill for an Act to repeal the Family Law Act
1975, and for related purposes.
               1       Short title ........................................................................................... 1
               2       Commencement ................................................................................. 1
               3       Schedules........................................................................................... 2

Schedule 1—Amendment                                                                                                          3
        Family Law Act 1975                                                                                                   3

Schedule 2—Cross Examination Amendments                                                                                       5
        Family Law Act 1975                                                                                                   5

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 1   A Bill for an Act to repeal the Family Law Act
 2   1975, and for related purposes.
 3   The Parliament of Australia enacts:
 4   1 Short title
 5                   This Act is the Family Law Act (Miscellaneous) Amendment Act
 6                   2018.

 7   2 Commencement

 8   (1) Each provision of this Act specified in column 1 of the table commences, or
 9       is taken to have commenced, in accordance with column 2 of the table. Any
10       other statement in column 2 has effect according to its terms.

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      (2) Commencement information
      Column 1               Column 2                                            Column 3
      Provisions             Commencement                                        Date/Details
      1. Schedule 1          1 September 2018                                    1 September
      2. Schedule 2          1 September 2018                                    1 September
 1                  Note:     This table relates only to the provisions of this Act as originally
 2                            enacted. It will not be amended to deal with any later amendments of
 3                            this Act.

 4          (2) Any information in column 3 of the table is not part of this Act.
 5              Information may be inserted in this column, or information in it
 6              may be edited, in any published version of this Act.

 7   3 Schedules
 8                  Legislation that is specified in a Schedule to this Act is amended or
 9                  repealed as set out in the applicable items in the Schedule
10                  concerned, and any other item in a Schedule to this Act has effect
11                  according to its terms.

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                                                                             Schedule 1

 1   Schedule 1—Miscellaneous Amendments

 3   Family Law Act 1975
 4   1 Subsection 4AB(2)(j)
 5         After the subsection, add:
 6             (k) abuse of process in the context of family law.

 7   2 Subsection 60CG(2)
 8          After the subsection, add:
 9              (3) Upon an application being filed or the first instance of a matter
10              being heard, whichever occurs first:
11                  a. a risk assessment must be completed using the family
12                       violence risk assessment tool; and,
13                  b. any matters and allegations relating to family violence must
14                       be determined at the earliest practicable opportunity.
15              (4) In considering what order to make, the court must consider the
16              impact that family violence may have had on the contribution of
17              parties and may have on the future needs of parties.

18   3 Subsection 61DA
19         Repeal the subsection.

20   4 Subsection 61DB
21         Repeal the subsection.

22   5 Subsection 65D(1)
23         Omit “subject to sections 61DA (presumption of equal shared parental
24         responsibility when making parenting orders) and 65DAB (parenting
25         plans)”, substitute “subject to section 65DAB (parenting plans)”.

26   6 Subsection 65D(2)
27         Omit “subject to section 61DA (presumption of equal shared parental
28         responsibility when making parenting orders) and 65DAB (parenting
29         plans)”, substitute “subject to section 65DAB (parenting plans)”.

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                                                                                          Schedule 1


 2   7 Subsection 61J(a)
 3         Add:
 4                  Note 2: To avoid doubt, children’s courts, no matter how constituted, are able to
 5                  make family law orders under this Act in the same circumstances that are
 6                  currently applicable to courts of summary jurisdiction.

 7   8 Subsection 61J(b)
 8         Add:
 9                  Note 2: To avoid doubt, children’s courts, no matter how constituted, are able to
10                  make family law orders under this Act in the same circumstances that are
11                  currently applicable to courts of summary jurisdiction.

12   9 Subsection 38BAA(1)(f)
13         At the end of the subsection, add:
14                  (g) judgements in interim proceedings in short form.

15   10 Subsection 68T(1)(b)
16         Repeal this subsection.

17   11 Subsection 68T(1)(a)
18         At the end of the subsection, add:
19              (b) the date specified in the order; and
20              (c) any further order of the court.

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                                              Cross Examination Amendments Schedule 2

 1   Schedule 2—Cross Examination Amendments

 3   Family Law Act 1975
 4   1 Subsection 69ZX(2)
 5         At the end of the subsection, add:
 6         (2A) If the court allows cross-examination of a particular witness who
 7            is a party and section 102NA or 102NB applies to the cross-
 8            examination, then the cross-examination must be conducted in
 9            accordance with that section.
11         Note: Sections 102NA and 102NB deal with the cross-examination of a party where
12         there is an allegation of family violence.

13   2 Part XI
14         At the end of the part, add:

15         102NA Mandatory requirements in specific cases
17         When this section applies to cross-examination
19               (1) If, in proceedings under this Act:
20                        a. a party (the examining party) intends to cross-examine
21                            another party (the witness party); and
22                        b. there is an allegation of family violence between the
23                            examining party and the witness party; and
24                        c. one or more of the following is satisfied:
25                                 i. either party has been convicted, or is charged
26                                    with, an offence involving violence, or a threat
27                                    of violence, to the other party;
28                                ii. a family violence order (other than an interim
29                                    order) applies to both parties;
30                               iii. an injunction under section 68B or 114 applies
31                                    to both 2 parties;
32                   this section applies to the cross-examination.
34                           Note 1: This section applies both in the case where the examining
35                           party is the alleged perpetrator of the family violence and the
36                           witness party is the alleged victim, and in the case where the

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                                               Cross Examination Amendments Schedule 2

 1                           examining party is the alleged victim and the witness party is the
 2                           alleged perpetrator.
 4                           Note 2: To avoid doubt, a reference to a party in this section
 5                           includes a reference to a person who is a party because of the
 6                           operation of a provision of this Act (for example, sections 92 and
 7                           92A, which are about intervening parties). This section only applies
 8                           to an intervening party if the intervening party is involved in the
 9                           allegation of family violence, whether as the alleged perpetrator or
10                           as the alleged victim.
12         Where examining party does not have legal representation
14              (2) If the examining party is not represented by a legal practitioner,
15                  then:
16                       a. the examining party must not cross-examine the
17                           witness party personally; and
18                       b. any questions that the examining party would like to
19                           ask the witness party in cross-examination must instead
20                           be asked by a person appointed by the court;
21                  unless the court grants leave.
23                           Note: Despite paragraph (2)(b), there are other laws that apply to
24                           protect the witness party (for example, section 101 requires the
25                           court to forbid the asking of offensive questions and section 41 of
26                           the Evidence Act 1995 requires the court to disallow certain
27                           questions, such as misleading questions).
29              (3) The court must not grant leave under subsection (2) unless:
30                     a. both parties consent to the cross-examination by the
31                         examining party of the witness party personally; and
32                     b. the court has considered whether the cross-examination
33                         will adversely affect the ability of:
34                              i. the witness party to testify under the cross-
35                                 examination; and
36                             ii. the examining party to conduct the cross-
37                                 examination; and
38                     c. the court has considered whether the cross-examination
39                         will 2 have a harmful impact on the party who is the
40                         alleged victim 3 of the family violence.
42         Where examining party has legal representation

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                                              Cross Examination Amendments Schedule 2

 1              (4) If the examining party is represented by a legal practitioner,
 2                  then:
 3                       a. the examining party must not cross-examine the
 4                           witness party personally; and
 5                       b. the cross-examination must be conducted by the
 6                           examining party’s legal practitioner.

 7         102NB Mandatory requirements in specific cases
 9         When this section applies to cross-examination
11              (1) If, in proceedings under this Act:
12                       a. a party (the examining party) intends to cross-examine
13                           another party (the witness party); and
14                       b. there is an allegation of family violence between the 16
15                           examining party and the witness party; and
16                       c. section 102NA does not apply to the cross-
17                           examination;
18          then:
19                       d. the court may, if it thinks it appropriate to do so, make
20                           an order that the cross-examination must be conducted
21                           in accordance with this section; and
22                       e. if the court makes such an order, then this section
23                           applies to the cross-examination.
25                           Note 1: This section applies both in the case where the examining
26                           party is the alleged perpetrator of the family violence and the
27                           witness party is the alleged victim, and in the case where the
28                           examining party is the alleged victim and the witness party is the
29                           alleged perpetrator.
31                           Note 2: To avoid doubt, a reference to a party in this section
32                           includes a reference to a person who is a party because of the
33                           operation of a provision of this Act (for example, sections 92 and
34                           92A, which are about intervening parties). This section only applies
35                           to an intervening party if the intervening party is involved in the
36                           allegation of family violence, whether as the alleged perpetrator or
37                           as the alleged victim.
39         Where examining party does not have legal representation
41              (2) If the examining party is not represented by a legal practitioner,
42                  then:

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                                               Cross Examination Amendments Schedule 2

 1                        a. the examining party must not cross-examine the
 2                           witness party personally; and
 3                        b. any questions that the examining party would like to
 4                           ask the witness party in cross-examination must instead
 5                           be asked by a person appointed by the court.
 7                           Note: Despite paragraph (2)(b), there are other laws that apply to
 8                           protect the witness party (for example, section 101 requires the
 9                           court to forbid the asking of offensive questions and section 41 of
10                           the Evidence Act 1995 requires the court to disallow certain
11                           questions, such as misleading questions). Where examining party

13         Where examining party has legal representation
15              (3) If the examining party is represented by a legal practitioner,
16                  then:
17                       a. the examining party must not cross-examine the
18                           witness party personally; and
19                       b. the cross-examination must be conducted by the
20                           examining party’s legal practitioner
22          Court order
24              (4) The court may make an order under paragraph (1)(d):
25                     a. on its own initiative; or
26                     b. on the application of the examining party or the witness
27                         party.

29         102NB Mandatory requirements in specific cases
31         The Minister must cause a review of the operation of this Division to be
32         commenced as soon as possible after:
33            a. the second anniversary of the commencement of this section; or
34            b. if, before the second anniversary, the regulations prescribe a
35                day that is after the second anniversary—that day.

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                                           Cross Examination Amendments Schedule 2

1   3 Application of amendments
2         The amendments made by this Schedule apply to cross-examinations
3         occurring after the commencement of this Schedule in proceedings
4         instituted before or after that commencement.

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