2018 The Parliament of the Commonwealth of Australia HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Presented and read a first time Appropriation Bill (No. 1) 2018-2019 No. , 2018 (Finance) A Bill for an Act to appropriate money out of the Consolidated Revenue Fund for the ordinary annual services of the Government, and for related purposes Contents Part 1—Preliminary 1 1 Short title ........................................................................................... 1 2 Commencement ................................................................................. 2 3 Definitions ......................................................................................... 2 4 Portfolio statements ........................................................................... 4 5 Notional transactions between entities that are part of the Commonwealth ................................................................................. 4 Part 2—Appropriation items 5 6 Summary of appropriations ............................................................... 5 7 Departmental items ............................................................................ 5 8 Administered items ............................................................................ 5 9 Corporate entity items ....................................................................... 5 Part 3—Advance to the Finance Minister 7 10 Advance to the Finance Minister ....................................................... 7 Part 4—Miscellaneous 8 11 Crediting amounts to special accounts............................................... 8 12 Appropriation of the Consolidated Revenue Fund ............................ 8 13 Repeal of this Act .............................................................................. 8 Schedule 1—Services for which money is appropriated 9 No. , 2018 Appropriation Bill (No. 1) 2018-2019 i 1 A Bill for an Act to appropriate money out of the 2 Consolidated Revenue Fund for the ordinary 3 annual services of the Government, and for related 4 purposes 5 The Parliament of Australia enacts: 6 Part 1—Preliminary 7 8 1 Short title 9 This Act is the Appropriation Act (No. 1) 2018-2019. No. , 2018 Appropriation Bill (No. 1) 2018-2019 1 Part 1 Preliminary Section 2 1 2 Commencement 2 (1) Each provision of this Act specified in column 1 of the table 3 commences, or is taken to have commenced, in accordance with 4 column 2 of the table. Any other statement in column 2 has effect 5 according to its terms. 6 Commencement information Column 1 Column 2 Column 3 Provisions Commencement Date/Details 1. The whole of The later of: this Act (a) 1 July 2018; and (b) the day this Act receives the Royal Assent. 7 Note: This table relates only to the provisions of this Act as originally 8 enacted. It will not be amended to deal with any later amendments of 9 this Act. 10 (2) Any information in column 3 of the table is not part of this Act. 11 Information may be inserted in this column, or information in it 12 may be edited, in any published version of this Act. 13 3 Definitions 14 In this Act: 15 administered item means an amount set out in Schedule 1 opposite 16 an outcome for a non-corporate entity under the heading 17 “Administered”. 18 corporate entity means: 19 (a) a corporate Commonwealth entity within the meaning of the 20 Public Governance, Performance and Accountability Act 21 2013; or 22 (b) a Commonwealth company within the meaning of that Act. 23 corporate entity item means the total amount set out in Schedule 1 24 in relation to a corporate entity under the heading “Administered”. 2 Appropriation Bill (No. 1) 2018-2019 No. , 2018 Preliminary Part 1 Section 3 1 Note: The amounts set out opposite outcomes for corporate entities, under 2 the heading “Administered”, are “notional”. They are not part of the 3 item, and do not in any way restrict the scope of the expenditure 4 authorised by the item. 5 current year means the financial year ending on 30 June 2019. 6 departmental item means the total amount set out in Schedule 1 in 7 relation to a non-corporate entity under the heading 8 “Departmental”. 9 Note: The amounts set out opposite outcomes, under the heading 10 “Departmental”, are “notional”. They are not part of the item, and do 11 not in any way restrict the scope of the expenditure authorised by the 12 item. 13 expenditure means payments for expenses, acquiring assets, 14 making loans or paying liabilities. 15 Finance Minister means the Minister administering this Act. 16 item means any of the following: 17 (a) an administered item; 18 (b) a corporate entity item; 19 (c) a departmental item. 20 non-corporate entity means: 21 (a) a non-corporate Commonwealth entity within the meaning of 22 the Public Governance, Performance and Accountability Act 23 2013; or 24 (b) the High Court. 25 Portfolio Budget Statements means the Portfolio Budget 26 Statements that were tabled in the Senate or the House of 27 Representatives in relation to the Bill for this Act. 28 portfolio statements means the Portfolio Budget Statements. 29 special account has the same meaning as in the Public 30 Governance, Performance and Accountability Act 2013. No. , 2018 Appropriation Bill (No. 1) 2018-2019 3 Part 1 Preliminary Section 4 1 4 Portfolio statements 2 The portfolio statements are declared to be relevant documents for 3 the purposes of section 15AB of the Acts Interpretation Act 1901. 4 Note: See paragraph 15AB(2)(g) of the Acts Interpretation Act 1901 which 5 provides that the material that may be considered in the interpretation 6 of a provision of an Act includes any document that is declared by the 7 Act to be a relevant document. 8 5 Notional transactions between entities that are part of the 9 Commonwealth 10 For the purposes of this Act, notional transactions between 11 non-corporate entities are to be treated as if they were real 12 transactions. 13 Note: This section applies, for example, to a “payment” between 14 non-corporate entities that are both part of the Commonwealth. One of 15 the effects of this section is that the payment will be debited from an 16 appropriation for the paying non-corporate entity, even though no 17 payment is actually made from the Consolidated Revenue Fund. This 18 is consistent with section 76 of the Public Governance, Performance 19 and Accountability Act 2013. 4 Appropriation Bill (No. 1) 2018-2019 No. , 2018 Appropriation items Part 2 Section 6 1 Part 2—Appropriation items 2 3 6 Summary of appropriations 4 The total of the items specified in Schedule 1 is $107,113,366,090. 5 Note 1: Items in Schedule 1 can be adjusted under Part 3 of this Act. 6 Note 2: Sections 74 to 75 of the Public Governance, Performance and 7 Accountability Act 2013 also provide for the adjustment of amounts 8 appropriated by this Act. 9 7 Departmental items 10 The amount specified in a departmental item for a non-corporate 11 entity may be applied for the departmental expenditure of the 12 entity. 13 8 Administered items 14 (1) The amount specified in an administered item for an outcome for a 15 non-corporate entity may be applied for expenditure for the 16 purpose of contributing to achieving that outcome. 17 (2) If the portfolio statements indicate that activities of a particular 18 kind were intended to be treated as activities in respect of a 19 particular outcome, then expenditure for the purpose of carrying 20 out those activities is taken to be expenditure for the purpose of 21 contributing to achieving the outcome. 22 9 Corporate entity items 23 (1) The amount specified in a corporate entity item for a corporate 24 entity may be paid to the entity to be applied for the purposes of 25 the entity. 26 (2) If: 27 (a) an Act provides that a corporate entity must be paid amounts 28 that are appropriated by the Parliament for the purposes of 29 the entity; and No. , 2018 Appropriation Bill (No. 1) 2018-2019 5 Part 2 Appropriation items Section 9 1 (b) Schedule 1 contains a corporate entity item for that entity; 2 then the entity must be paid the full amount specified in the item. 6 Appropriation Bill (No. 1) 2018-2019 No. , 2018 Advance to the Finance Minister Part 3 Section 10 1 Part 3—Advance to the Finance Minister 2 3 10 Advance to the Finance Minister 4 (1) This section applies if the Finance Minister is satisfied that there is 5 an urgent need for expenditure, in the current year, that is not 6 provided for, or is insufficiently provided for, in Schedule 1: 7 (a) because of an erroneous omission or understatement; or 8 (b) because the expenditure was unforeseen until after the last 9 day on which it was practicable to provide for it in the Bill 10 for this Act before that Bill was introduced into the House of 11 Representatives. 12 (2) This Act has effect as if Schedule 1 were amended, in accordance 13 with a determination of the Finance Minister, to make provision for 14 so much (if any) of the expenditure as the Finance Minister 15 determines. 16 (3) The total of the amounts determined under subsection (2) cannot be 17 more than $295 million. 18 (4) A determination made under subsection (2) is a legislative 19 instrument, but neither section 42 (disallowance) nor Part 4 of 20 Chapter 3 (sunsetting) of the Legislation Act 2003 applies to the 21 determination. No. , 2018 Appropriation Bill (No. 1) 2018-2019 7 Part 4 Miscellaneous Section 11 1 Part 4—Miscellaneous 2 3 11 Crediting amounts to special accounts 4 If any of the purposes of a special account is a purpose that is 5 covered by an item (whether or not the item expressly refers to the 6 special account), then amounts may be debited against the 7 appropriation for that item and credited to that special account. 8 12 Appropriation of the Consolidated Revenue Fund 9 The Consolidated Revenue Fund is appropriated as necessary for 10 the purposes of this Act, including the operation of this Act as 11 affected by the Public Governance, Performance and 12 Accountability Act 2013. 13 13 Repeal of this Act 14 This Act is repealed at the start of 1 July 2021. 8 Appropriation Bill (No. 1) 2018-2019 No. , 2018 Services for which money is appropriated Schedule 1 Schedule 1—Services for which money is appropriated Note: See sections 6 and 12. Abstract Portfolio Total $'000 Advancement 616,348 Attorney-General's 1,750,957 Defence 26,851,101 Development 2,558,430 Education 2,362,320 Finance 1,005,296 Foreign Affairs 2,236,659 Health 12,512,187 Home Affairs 3,142,069 Industry and Business 8,839,329 Prime Minister and Cabinet 2,035,499 Rural Affairs 936,825 Social Services 24,920,778 Sports, Arts and Communications 2,072,246 Treasury 4,682,153 Total 96,552,197 No. , 2018 Appropriation Bill (No. 1) 2018-2019 9 Schedule 1 Services for which money is appropriated APPROPRIATIONS 10 Appropriation Bill (No. 1) 2018-2019 No. , 2018 Services for which money is appropriated Schedule 1 SUMMARY Summary of Appropriations (plain figures)—2018-2019 Actual Available Appropriation (italic figures)—2017-2018 Portfolio Departmental Administered Total $'000 $'000 $'000 Advancement 413,015 510,167 616,348 410,942 526,875 604,855 Attorney-General's 1,350,917 343,668 1,694,585 1,375,644 417,445 1,793,089 Defence 205,546 2,203,190 2,408,736 197,076 2,223,575 2,420,651 Development 33,573,145 153,991 33,727,136 32,606,554 172,861 32,779,415 Education 446,506 1,828,318 2,274,824 437,109 1,917,345 2,354,454 Finance 796,703 639,102 1,435,805 850,304 592,447 1,442,751 Foreign Affairs 673,394 314,350 987,744 443,867 313,105 756,972 Health 2,020,040 4,209,400 6,229,440 1,921,926 4,008,871 5,930,797 Home Affairs 2,279,687 862,298 3,142,069 1,564,437 834,617 2,399,054 Industry and Business 3,859,961 1,665,324 5,525,285 3,914,153 2,098,154 6,012,307 Prime Minister and Cabinet 4,450,519 1,595 4,452,114 4,684,738 1,566 4,686,304 Rural Affairs 256,518 1,876,385 2,132,903 321,945 1,625,567 1,947,512 Social Services 1,192,837 3,339,583 4,532,420 1,150,383 3,268,536 4,418,919 Sports, Arts and Communications 741,955 1,371,751 2,113,706 727,169 1,417,856 2,145,025 Social Services 432,511 9,615,061 10,047,572 427,887 6,173,813 6,601,700 Total: Bill 1 55,787,512 39,442,535 95,230,047 54,838,392 35,205,622 90,044,014 No. , 2018 Appropriation Bill (No. 1) 2018-2019 11 Schedule 1 Services for which money is appropriated RURAL AFFAIRS PORTFOLIO SUMMARY Summary of Appropriations (plain figures)—2018-2019 Actual Available Appropriation (italic figures)—2017-2018 Entity Departmental Administered Total $'000 $'000 $'000 Department of Rural Affairs 405,055 386,661 791,716 536,218 230,009 766,227 Payments to corporate entities: Australian Grape and Wine Authority 1,834 1,834 1,775 1,775 Australian Pesticides and Veterinary Medicines 25,730 25,730 Authority 24,902 24,902 Murray-Darling Basin Authority 94,750 94,750 91,700 91,700 Regional Investment Corporation 12,973 12,973 12,555 12,555 Northern Australia Infrastructure Facility 9,821 9,821 9,505 9,505 Australian Fisheries Management Authority 21,199 5,690 26,889 20,517 5,506 26,023 Total: Rural Affairs 426,254 537,459 963,713 413,015 510,167 923,182 12 Appropriation Bill (No. 1) 2018-2019 No. , 2018 Services for which money is appropriated Schedule 1 RURAL AFFAIRS PORTFOLIO Appropriation (plain figures)—2018-2019 Actual Available Appropriation (italic figures)—2017-2018 Departmental Administered Total $'000 $'000 $'000 DEPARTMENT OF RURAL AFFAIRS Outcome 1 - More sustainable, productive, internationally 118,806 117,206 217,084 competitive and profitable Australian agricultural, 114,892 113,433 210,095 food and fibre industries through policies and initiatives that promote better resource management practices, innovation, self-reliance and improved access to international markets Outcome 2 - Safeguard Australia's animal and plant health 264,979 39,244 305,257 status to maintain overseas markets and protect 256,449 37,981 295,430 the economy and environment from the impact of exotic pests and diseases, through risk assessment, inspection and certification, and the implementation of emergency response arrangements for Australian agricultural, food and fibre industries Outcome 3 - Improve the health of rivers and freshwater 24,419 245,987 270,407 ecosystems and water use efficiency through 23,633 238,069 261,702 implementing water reforms, and ensuring enhanced sustainability, efficiency and productivity in the management and use of water resources Total: Department of Rural Affairs 408,204 402,437 791,716 392,498 373,729 766,227 No. , 2018 Appropriation Bill (No. 1) 2018-2019 13 Schedule 1 Services for which money is appropriated RURAL AFFAIRS PORTFOLIO Appropriation (plain figures)—2018-2019 Actual Available Appropriation (italic figures)—2017-2018 Administered $'000 DEPARTMENT OF RURAL AFFAIRS FOR PAYMENT TO AUSTRALIAN GRAPE AND WINE AUTHORITY Outcome 1 - Foster and enable a competitive Australian wine 1,834 industry by investing in research and 1,775 development, building markets, disseminating knowledge and ensuring compliance Total: Australian Grape and Wine Authority 1,834 1,775 14 Appropriation Bill (No. 1) 2018-2019 No. , 2018 Services for which money is appropriated Schedule 1 RURAL AFFAIRS PORTFOLIO Appropriation (plain figures)—2018-2019 Actual Available Appropriation (italic figures)—2017-2018 Administered $'000 DEPARTMENT OF RURAL AFFAIRS FOR PAYMENT TO AUSTRALIAN PESTICIDES AND VETERINARY MEDICINES AUTHORITY Outcome 1 - Protection of the health and safety of people, 25,730 animals, the environment, and agricultural and 24,902 livestock industries through regulation of pesticides and veterinary medicines Total: Australian Pesticides and Veterinary 25,730 Medicines Authority 24,902 No. , 2018 Appropriation Bill (No. 1) 2018-2019 15 Schedule 1 Services for which money is appropriated RURAL AFFAIRS PORTFOLIO Appropriation (plain figures)—2018-2019 Actual Available Appropriation (italic figures)—2017-2018 Administered $'000 DEPARTMENT OF RURAL AFFAIRS FOR PAYMENT TO MURRAY-DARLING BASIN AUTHORITY Outcome 1 - Equitable and sustainable use of the Murray- 94,750 Darling Basin by governments and the 91,700 community including through development and implementation of a Basin Plan, operation of the River Murray system, shared natural resource management programs, research, information and advice Total: Murray-Darling Basin Authority 94,750 91,700 16 Appropriation Bill (No. 1) 2018-2019 No. , 2018 Services for which money is appropriated Schedule 1 RURAL AFFAIRS PORTFOLIO Appropriation (plain figures)—2018-2019 Actual Available Appropriation (italic figures)—2017-2018 Administered $'000 DEPARTMENT OF RURAL AFFAIRS FOR PAYMENT TO REGIONAL INVESTMENT CORPORATION Outcome 1 - Encourage growth, investment and resilience in 12,973 Australian farm businesses and rural and 12,555 regional communities by delivering the Commonwealth's farm business concessional loans and the National Water Infrastructure Loan Facility Total: Regional Investment Corporation 12,973 12,555 No. , 2018 Appropriation Bill (No. 1) 2018-2019 17 Schedule 1 Services for which money is appropriated RURAL AFFAIRS PORTFOLIO Appropriation (plain figures)—2018-2019 Actual Available Appropriation (italic figures)—2017-2018 Administered $'000 DEPARTMENT OF RURAL AFFAIRS FOR PAYMENT TO NORTHERN AUSTRALIA INFRASTRUCTURE FACILITY Outcome 1 - Enable economic growth in northern Australia, 9,821 by facilitating private sector investment in 9,505 economic infrastructure through the provision of concessional financing delivered through the State and Territory Governments Total: Northern Australia Infrastructure Facility 9,821 9,505 18 Appropriation Bill (No. 1) 2018-2019 No. , 2018 Services for which money is appropriated Schedule 1 RURAL AFFAIRS PORTFOLIO Appropriation (plain figures)—2018-2019 Actual Available Appropriation (italic figures)—2017-2018 Departmental Administered Total $'000 $'000 $'000 AUSTRALIAN FISHERIES MANAGEMENT AUTHORITY Outcome 1 - Ecologically sustainable and economically 21,199 5,690 26,889 efficient Commonwealth fisheries, through 20,517 5,506 26,023 understanding and monitoring Australia's marine living resources and regulating and monitoring commercial fishing, including domestic licensing and deterrence of illegal foreign fishing Total: Australian Fisheries Management 21,199 5,690 26,889 Authority 20,517 5,506 26,032 No. , 2018 Appropriation Bill (No. 1) 2018-2019 19 Schedule 1 Services for which money is appropriated ATTORNEY-GENERAL'S PORTFOLIO SUMMARY Summary of Appropriations (plain figures)—2018-2019 Actual Available Appropriation (italic figures)—2017-2018 Entity Departmental Administered Total $'000 $'000 $'000 Attorney-General's Department 137,008 337,468 474,477 132,598 326,604 459,202 Payments to corporate entities: Australian Human Rights Commission 16,722 16,722 16,184 16,184 Administrative Appeals Tribunal 169,741 - 169,741 164,277 - 164,277 Australian Commission for Law Enforcement 11,805 - 11,805 Integrity 11,425 - 11,425 Australian Financial Security Authority 57,739 - 57,739 55,881 - 55,881 Australian Law Reform Commission 2,697 - 2,697 2,611 - 2,611 Australian Security Intelligence Organisation 538,762 - 538,762 521,417 - 521,417 Federal Court of Australia 278,487 909 279,397 269,522 880 270,402 High Court of Australia 18,763 - 18,763 18,159 - 18,159 National Archives of Australia 69,569 - 69,569 67,330 - 67,330 Office of the Australian Information Commissioner 13,944 - 13,944 13,496 - 13,496 Office of the Director of Public Prosecutions 80,662 - 80,662 78,066 - 78,066 Office of Parliamentary Counsel 16,671 - 16,671 16,135 - 16,135 Total: Attorney-General's 1,395,848 355,099 1,750,957 1,350,917 343,668 1,694,585 20 Appropriation Bill (No. 1) 2018-2019 No. , 2018 Services for which money is appropriated Schedule 1 ATTORNEY-GENERAL'S PORTFOLIO Appropriation (plain figures)—2018-2019 Actual Available Appropriation (italic figures)—2017-2018 Departmental Administered Total $'000 $'000 $'000 ATTORNEY-GENERAL'S DEPARTMENT Outcome 1 - A just and secure society through the 137,008 337,468 474,477 maintenance and improvement of Australia's law, 132,598 326,604 459,202 justice, security and integrity frameworks Total: Attorney-General's Department 137,008 337,468 474,477 132,598 326,604 459,202 No. , 2018 Appropriation Bill (No. 1) 2018-2019 21 Schedule 1 Services for which money is appropriated ATTORNEY-GENERAL'S PORTFOLIO Appropriation (plain figures)—2018-2019 Actual Available Appropriation (italic figures)—2017-2018 Administered $'000 ATTORNEY-GENERAL'S DEPARTMENT FOR PAYMENT TO AUSTRALIAN HUMAN RIGHTS COMMISSION Outcome 1 - An Australian society in which human rights are 16,722 respected, protected and promoted through 16,184 independent investigation and resolution of complaints, education and research to promote and eliminate discrimination, and monitoring, and reporting on human rights Total: Australian Human Rights Commission 16,722 16,184 22 Appropriation Bill (No. 1) 2018-2019 No. , 2018 Services for which money is appropriated Schedule 1 ATTORNEY-GENERAL'S PORTFOLIO Appropriation (plain figures)—2018-2019 Actual Available Appropriation (italic figures)—2017-2018 Departmental Administered Total $'000 $'000 $'000 ADMINISTRATIVE APPEALS TRIBUNAL Outcome 1 - Provide correct or preferable decisions through a 169,741 - 169,741 mechanism of independent review of 164,277 - 164,277 administrative decisions that is accessible, fair, just, economical, informal, quick and proportionate Total: Administrative Appeals Tribunal 169,741 - 169,741 164,277 - 164,277 No. , 2018 Appropriation Bill (No. 1) 2018-2019 23 Schedule 1 Services for which money is appropriated ATTORNEY-GENERAL'S PORTFOLIO Appropriation (plain figures)—2018-2019 Actual Available Appropriation (italic figures)—2017-2018 Departmental Administered Total $'000 $'000 $'000 AUSTRALIAN COMMISSION FOR LAW ENFORCEMENT INTEGRITY Outcome 1 - Independent assurance to the Australian 11,805 - 11,805 Government that Commonwealth law 11,425 - 11,425 enforcement agencies and their staff act with integrity by detecting, investigating and preventing corruption Total: Australian Commission for Law 11,805 - 11,805 Enforcement Integrity 11,425 - 11,425 24 Appropriation Bill (No. 1) 2018-2019 No. , 2018 Services for which money is appropriated Schedule 1 ATTORNEY-GENERAL'S PORTFOLIO Appropriation (plain figures)—2018-2019 Actual Available Appropriation (italic figures)—2017-2018 Departmental Administered Total $'000 $'000 $'000 AUSTRALIAN FINANCIAL SECURITY AUTHORITY Outcome 1 - Maintain confidence in Australia's personal 57,739 - 57,739 insolvency and personal property securities 55,881 - 55,881 systems through delivering fair, efficient and effective trustee and registry services, and risk- based regulation Total: Australian Financial Security Authority 57,739 - 57,739 55,881 - 55,881 No. , 2018 Appropriation Bill (No. 1) 2018-2019 25 Schedule 1 Services for which money is appropriated ATTORNEY-GENERAL'S PORTFOLIO Appropriation (plain figures)—2018-2019 Actual Available Appropriation (italic figures)—2017-2018 Departmental Administered Total $'000 $'000 $'000 AUSTRALIAN LAW REFORM COMMISSION Outcome 1 - Informed government decisions about the 2,697 - 2,697 development, reform and harmonisation of 2,611 - 2,611 Australian laws and related processes through research, analysis, reports and community consultation and education Total: Australian Law Reform Commission 2,697 - 2,697 2,611 - 2,611 26 Appropriation Bill (No. 1) 2018-2019 No. , 2018 Services for which money is appropriated Schedule 1 ATTORNEY-GENERAL'S PORTFOLIO Appropriation (plain figures)—2018-2019 Actual Available Appropriation (italic figures)—2017-2018 Departmental Administered Total $'000 $'000 $'000 AUSTRALIAN SECURITY INTELLIGENCE ORGANISATION Outcome 1 - To protect Australia, its people and its interests 538,762 - 538,762 from threats to security through intelligence 521,417 - 521,417 collection, assessment and advice to Government Total: Australian Security Intelligence 538,762 - 538,762 Organisation 521,417 - 521,417 No. , 2018 Appropriation Bill (No. 1) 2018-2019 27 Schedule 1 Services for which money is appropriated ATTORNEY-GENERAL'S PORTFOLIO Appropriation (plain figures)—2018-2019 Actual Available Appropriation (italic figures)—2017-2018 Departmental Administered Total $'000 $'000 $'000 FEDERAL COURT OF AUSTRALIA Outcome 1 - Apply and uphold the rule of law for litigants in 69,962 - 69,962 the Federal Court of Australia and parties in the 67,710 - 67,710 National Native Title Tribunal through the resolution of matters according to law and through the effective management of the administrative affairs of the Court and Tribunal Outcome 2 - Apply and uphold the rule of law for litigants in 33,878 - 33,878 the Family Court of Australia through the 32,788 - 32,788 resolution of family law matters according to law, particularly more complex family law matters, and through the effective management of the administrative affairs of the Court Outcome 3 - Apply and uphold the rule of law for litigants in 95,186 909 96,096 the Federal Circuit Court of Australia through 92,123 880 93,003 more informal and streamlined resolution of family law and general federal law matters according to law, through the encouragement of appropriate dispute resolution processes and through the effective management of the administrative affairs of the Court Outcome 4 - Improved administration and support of the 79,459 - 79,459 resolution of matters according to law for litigants 76,901 - 76,901 in the Federal Court of Australia, the Family Court of Australia and the Federal Circuit Court of Australia and parties in the National Native Title Tribunal through efficient and effective provision of shared corporate services Total: Federal Court of Australia 278,548 909 279,397 269,522 880 270,402 28 Appropriation Bill (No. 1) 2018-2019 No. , 2018 Services for which money is appropriated Schedule 1 ATTORNEY-GENERAL'S PORTFOLIO Appropriation (plain figures)—2018-2019 Actual Available Appropriation (italic figures)—2017-2018 Departmental Administered Total $'000 $'000 $'000 HIGH COURT OF AUSTRALIA Outcome 1 - To interpret and uphold the Australian 18,763 - 18,763 Constitution and perform the functions of the 18,159 - 18,159 ultimate appellate Court in Australia Total: High Court of Australia 18,763 - 18,763 18,159 - 18,159 No. , 2018 Appropriation Bill (No. 1) 2018-2019 29 Schedule 1 Services for which money is appropriated ATTORNEY-GENERAL'S PORTFOLIO Appropriation (plain figures)—2018-2019 Actual Available Appropriation (italic figures)—2017-2018 Departmental Administered Total $'000 $'000 $'000 NATIONAL ARCHIVES OF AUSTRALIA Outcome 1 - To promote the creation, management and 69,569 - 69,569 preservation of authentic, reliable and usable 67,330 - 67,330 Commonwealth records and to facilitate Australians' access to the archival resources of the Commonwealth Total: National Archives of Australia 69,569 - 69,569 67,330 - 67,330 30 Appropriation Bill (No. 1) 2018-2019 No. , 2018 Services for which money is appropriated Schedule 1 ATTORNEY-GENERAL'S PORTFOLIO Appropriation (plain figures)—2018-2019 Actual Available Appropriation (italic figures)—2017-2018 Departmental Administered Total $'000 $'000 $'000 OFFICE OF THE AUSTRALIAN INFORMATION COMMISSIONER Outcome 1 - Provision of public access to Commonwealth 13,944 - 13,944 Government information, protection of 13,496 - 13,496 individuals' personal information, and performance of information commissioner, freedom of information and privacy functions Total: Office of the Australian Information 13,944 - 13,944 Commissioner 13,496 - 13,496 No. , 2018 Appropriation Bill (No. 1) 2018-2019 31 Schedule 1 Services for which money is appropriated ATTORNEY-GENERAL'S PORTFOLIO Appropriation (plain figures)—2018-2019 Actual Available Appropriation (italic figures)—2017-2018 Departmental Administered Total $'000 $'000 $'000 OFFICE OF THE DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC PROSECUTIONS Outcome 1 - Contribute to a fair, safe and just society by 80,662 - 80,662 delivering an effective, independent prosecution 78,066 - 78,066 service in accordance with the Prosecution Policy of the Commonwealth Total: Office of the Director of Public 80,662 - 80,662 Prosecutions 78,066 - 78,066 32 Appropriation Bill (No. 1) 2018-2019 No. , 2018 Services for which money is appropriated Schedule 1 ATTORNEY-GENERAL'S PORTFOLIO Appropriation (plain figures)—2018-2019 Actual Available Appropriation (italic figures)—2017-2018 Departmental Administered Total $'000 $'000 $'000 OFFICE OF PARLIAMENTARY COUNSEL Outcome 1 - A body of Commonwealth laws and instruments 16,671 - 16,671 that give effect to intended policy, and that are 16,135 - 16,135 coherent, readable and readily accessible, through the drafting and publication of those laws and instruments Total: Office of Parliamentary Counsel 16,671 - 16,671 16,135 - 16,135 No. , 2018 Appropriation Bill (No. 1) 2018-2019 33 Schedule 1 Services for which money is appropriated SPORTS, ARTS AND COMMUNICATIONS PORTFOLIO SUMMARY Summary of Appropriations (plain figures)—2018-2019 Actual Available Appropriation (italic figures)—2017-2018 Entity Departmental Administered Total $'000 $'000 $'000 Department of Sports, Arts and Communications 62,959 461,699 524,658 107,737 452,521 515,498 Payments to corporate entities: Australia Council 211,885 211,885 208,186 208,186 Australian Broadcasting Corporation 1,064,496 1,064,496 1,045,911 1,045,911 Australian Film, Television and Radio School 22,985 22,985 22,584 22,584 Australian National Maritime Museum 21,795 21,795 21,415 21,415 National Film and Sound Archive of Australia 24,357 24,357 23,932 23,932 National Gallery of Australia 31,153 31,153 30,610 30,610 National Library of Australia 56,544 56,544 55,557 55,557 National Museum of Australia 45,969 45,969 45,164 45,164 National Portrait Gallery of Australia 11,892 11,892 11,685 11,685 Old Parliament House 16,716 16,716 16,425 16,425 Screen Australia 11,536 11,536 11,335 11,335 Special Broadcasting Service Corporation 286,732 286,732 281,726 281,726 Australian Communications and Media Authority 97,488 23,328 120,817 95,787 22,921 118,708 Total: Sports, Arts and Communications 160,447 2,291,086 2,451,533 205,546 2,223,575 2,408,736 34 Appropriation Bill (No. 1) 2018-2019 No. , 2018 Services for which money is appropriated Schedule 1 SPORT, ARTS AND COMMUNICATIONS PORTFOLIO Appropriation (plain figures)—2018-2019 Actual Available Appropriation (italic figures)—2017-2018 Departmental Administered Total $'000 $'000 $'000 DEPARTMENT OF SPORT, ARTS AND COMMUNICATIONS Outcome 1 - Promote an innovative and competitive 90,071 199,402 289,474 communications sector, through policy 88,499 195,922 284,421 development, advice and program delivery, so all Australians can realise the full potential of digital technologies and communications services Outcome 2 - Participation in, and access to, Australia's arts 21,637 213,545 235,183 and culture through developing and supporting 21,260 209,817 231,077 cultural expression Total: Department of Sport, Arts and 111,709 412,948 524,658 Communications 109,759 405,739 515,498 No. , 2018 Appropriation Bill (No. 1) 2018-2019 35 Schedule 1 Services for which money is appropriated SPORT, ARTS AND COMMUNICATIONS PORTFOLIO Appropriation (plain figures)—2018-2019 Actual Available Appropriation (italic figures)—2017-2018 Administered $'000 DEPARTMENT OF SPORTS, ARTS AND COMMUNICATIONS FOR PAYMENT TO AUSTRALIA COUNCIL Outcome 1 - Supporting Australian artists and arts 211,885 organisations to create and present excellent art 208,186 that is accessed by audiences across Australia and abroad Total: Australia Council 211,885 208,186 36 Appropriation Bill (No. 1) 2018-2019 No. , 2018 Services for which money is appropriated Schedule 1 SPORT, ARTS AND COMMUNICATIONS PORTFOLIO Appropriation (plain figures)—2018-2019 Actual Available Appropriation (italic figures)—2017-2018 Administered $'000 DEPARTMENT OF SPORTS, ARTS AND COMMUNICATIONS FOR PAYMENT TO AUSTRALIAN BROADCASTING CORPORATION Outcome 1 - Informed, educated and entertained audiences - 1,064,496 throughout Australia and overseas - through 1,045,911 innovative and comprehensive media and related services Total: Australian Broadcasting Corporation 1,064,496 1,045,911 No. , 2018 Appropriation Bill (No. 1) 2018-2019 37 Schedule 1 Services for which money is appropriated SPORT, ARTS AND COMMUNICATIONS PORTFOLIO Appropriation (plain figures)—2018-2019 Actual Available Appropriation (italic figures)—2017-2018 Administered $'000 DEPARTMENT OF SPORTS, ARTS AND COMMUNICATIONS FOR PAYMENT TO AUSTRALIAN FILM, TELEVISION AND RADIO SCHOOL Outcome 1 - Support the development of a professional 22,985 screen arts and broadcast culture in Australia 22,584 including through the provision of specialist industry-focused education, training, and research Total: Australian Film, Television and Radio 22,985 School 22,584 38 Appropriation Bill (No. 1) 2018-2019 No. , 2018 Services for which money is appropriated Schedule 1 SPORT, ARTS AND COMMUNICATIONS PORTFOLIO Appropriation (plain figures)—2018-2019 Actual Available Appropriation (italic figures)—2017-2018 Administered $'000 DEPARTMENT OF SPORTS, ARTS AND COMMUNICATIONS FOR PAYMENT TO AUSTRALIAN NATIONAL MARITIME MUSEUM Outcome 1 - Increased knowledge, appreciation and 21,795 enjoyment of Australia's maritime heritage by 21,415 managing the National Maritime Collection and staging programs, exhibitions and events Total: Australian National Maritime Museum 21,795 21,415 No. , 2018 Appropriation Bill (No. 1) 2018-2019 39 Schedule 1 Services for which money is appropriated SPORT, ARTS AND COMMUNICATIONS PORTFOLIO Appropriation (plain figures)—2018-2019 Actual Available Appropriation (italic figures)—2017-2018 Administered $'000 DEPARTMENT OF SPORTS, ARTS AND COMMUNICATIONS FOR PAYMENT TO NATIONAL FILM AND SOUND ARCHIVE OF AUSTRALIA Outcome 1 - Increased engagement with Australia's 24,357 audiovisual culture past and present through 23,932 developing, preserving, maintaining and promoting the national audiovisual collection of historic and cultural significance Total: National Film and Sound Archive of 24,357 Australia 23,932 40 Appropriation Bill (No. 1) 2018-2019 No. , 2018 Services for which money is appropriated Schedule 1 SPORT, ARTS AND COMMUNICATIONS PORTFOLIO Appropriation (plain figures)—2018-2019 Actual Available Appropriation (italic figures)—2017-2018 Administered $'000 DEPARTMENT OF SPORTS, ARTS AND COMMUNICATIONS FOR PAYMENT TO NATIONAL GALLERY OF AUSTRALIA Outcome 1 - Increased understanding, knowledge and 31,153 enjoyment of the visual arts by providing access 30,610 to, and information about, works of art locally, nationally and internationally Total: National Gallery of Australia 31,153 30,610 No. , 2018 Appropriation Bill (No. 1) 2018-2019 41 Schedule 1 Services for which money is appropriated SPORT, ARTS AND COMMUNICATIONS PORTFOLIO Appropriation (plain figures)—2018-2019 Actual Available Appropriation (italic figures)—2017-2018 Administered $'000 DEPARTMENT OF SPORTS, ARTS AND COMMUNICATIONS FOR PAYMENT TO NATIONAL LIBRARY OF AUSTRALIA Outcome 1 - Enhanced learning, knowledge creation, 56,554 enjoyment and understanding of Australian life 55,557 and society by providing access to a national collection of library material Total: National Library of Australia 56,554 55,557 42 Appropriation Bill (No. 1) 2018-2019 No. , 2018 Services for which money is appropriated Schedule 1 SPORT, ARTS AND COMMUNICATIONS PORTFOLIO Appropriation (plain figures)—2018-2019 Actual Available Appropriation (italic figures)—2017-2018 Administered $'000 DEPARTMENT OF SPORTS, ARTS AND COMMUNICATIONS FOR PAYMENT TO NATIONAL MUSEUM OF AUSTRALIA Outcome 1 - Increased awareness and understanding of 45,969 Australia's history and culture by managing the 45,164 National Museum's collections and providing access through public programs and exhibitions Total: National Museum of Australia 45,969 45,164 No. , 2018 Appropriation Bill (No. 1) 2018-2019 43 Schedule 1 Services for which money is appropriated SPORT, ARTS AND COMMUNICATIONS PORTFOLIO Appropriation (plain figures)—2018-2019 Actual Available Appropriation (italic figures)—2017-2018 Administered $'000 DEPARTMENT OF SPORTS, ARTS AND COMMUNICATIONS FOR PAYMENT TO NATIONAL PORTRAIT GALLERY OF AUSTRALIA Outcome 1 - Enhanced understanding and appreciation of 11,892 Australian identity, culture and diversity through 11,685 portraiture by engaging the public in education programs and exhibitions, and by developing and preserving the national portrait collection Total: National Portrait Gallery of Australia 11,892 11,685 44 Appropriation Bill (No. 1) 2018-2019 No. , 2018 Services for which money is appropriated Schedule 1 SPORT, ARTS AND COMMUNICATIONS PORTFOLIO Appropriation (plain figures)—2018-2019 Actual Available Appropriation (italic figures)—2017-2018 Administered $'000 DEPARTMENT OF SPORTS, ARTS AND COMMUNICATIONS FOR PAYMENT TO OLD PARLIAMENT HOUSE Outcome 1 - An enhanced appreciation and understanding of 16,716 the political and social heritage of Australia for 16,425 members of the public, through activities including the conservation and upkeep of, and the provision of access to, Old Parliament House and the development of its collections, exhibitions and educational programs Total: Old Parliament House 16,716 16,425 No. , 2018 Appropriation Bill (No. 1) 2018-2019 45 Schedule 1 Services for which money is appropriated SPORT, ARTS AND COMMUNICATIONS PORTFOLIO Appropriation (plain figures)—2018-2019 Actual Available Appropriation (italic figures)—2017-2018 Administered $'000 DEPARTMENT OF SPORTS, ARTS AND COMMUNICATIONS FOR PAYMENT TO SCREEN AUSTRALIA Outcome 1 - Promote engaged audiences and support a 11,536 creative, innovative and commercially 11,335 sustainable screen industry through the funding and promotion of diverse Australian screen product Total: Screen Australia 11,536 11,335 46 Appropriation Bill (No. 1) 2018-2019 No. , 2018 Services for which money is appropriated Schedule 1 SPORT, ARTS AND COMMUNICATIONS PORTFOLIO Appropriation (plain figures)—2018-2019 Actual Available Appropriation (italic figures)—2017-2018 Administered $'000 DEPARTMENT OF SPORTS, ARTS AND COMMUNICATIONS FOR PAYMENT TO SPECIAL BROADCASTING SERVICE CORPORATION Outcome 1 - Provide multilingual and multicultural services 286,732 that inform, educate and entertain all Australians 281,726 and in so doing reflect Australia's multicultural society Total: Special Broadcasting Service 286,732 Corporation 281,726 No. , 2018 Appropriation Bill (No. 1) 2018-2019 47 Schedule 1 Services for which money is appropriated SPORT, ARTS AND COMMUNICATIONS PORTFOLIO Appropriation (plain figures)—2018-2019 Actual Available Appropriation (italic figures)—2017-2018 Departmental Administered Total $'000 $'000 $'000 AUSTRALIAN COMMUNICATIONS AND MEDIA AUTHORITY Outcome 1 - A communications and media environment that 97,488 23,328 120,817 balances the needs of the industry and the 95,787 22,921 118,708 Australian community through regulation, education and advice Total: Australian Communications and Media 97,488 23,328 120,817 Authority 95,787 22,921 118,708 48 Appropriation Bill (No. 1) 2018-2019 No. , 2018 Services for which money is appropriated Schedule 1 DEFENCE PORTFOLIO SUMMARY Summary of Appropriations (plain figures)—2018-2019 Actual Available Appropriation (italic figures)—2017-2018 Entity Departmental Administered Total $'000 $'000 $'000 Department of Defence 25,551,393 - 25,551,393 24,471,206 - 24,471,206 Australian Signals Directorate 745,741 - 745,741 721,732 - 721,732 Department of Social Services 392,854 106,516 499,371 380,207 103,087 483,294 Payments to corporate entities: Australian War Memorial 52,597 52,597 50,904 50,904 Total: Defence 26,691,988 159,113 26,851,101 25,573,145 153,991 25,727,136 No. , 2018 Appropriation Bill (No. 1) 2018-2019 49 Schedule 1 Services for which money is appropriated DEFENCE PORTFOLIO Appropriation (plain figures)—2018-2019 Actual Available Appropriation (italic figures)—2017-2018 Departmental Administered Total $'000 $'000 $'000 DEPARTMENT OF DEFENCE Outcome 1 - Defend Australia and its national interests 627,397 - 627,397 through the conduct of operations and provision 591,401 - 591,401 of support for the Australian community and civilian authorities in accordance with Government direction Outcome 2 - Protect and advance Australia's strategic 24,923,995 - 24,923,995 interests through the provision of strategic policy, 23,679,805 - 23,679,805 the development, delivery and sustainment of military, intelligence and enabling capabilities, and the promotion of regional and global security and stability as directed by Government Total: Department of Defence 25,551,393 - 25,551,393 24,471,206 - 24,471,206 50 Appropriation Bill (No. 1) 2018-2019 No. , 2018 Services for which money is appropriated Schedule 1 DEFENCE PORTFOLIO Appropriation (plain figures)—2018-2019 Actual Available Appropriation (italic figures)—2017-2018 Departmental Administered Total $'000 $'000 $'000 AUSTRALIAN SIGNALS DIRECTORATE Outcome 1 - Defend Australia from global threats and 745,741 - 745,741 advance our national interests through the 721,732 - 721,732 provision of foreign signals intelligence, cyber security and offensive cyber operations, as directed by Government Total: Australian Signals Directorate 745,741 - 745,741 721,732 - 721,732 No. , 2018 Appropriation Bill (No. 1) 2018-2019 51 Schedule 1 Services for which money is appropriated DEFENCE PORTFOLIO Appropriation (plain figures)—2018-2019 Actual Available Appropriation (italic figures)—2017-2018 Departmental Administered Total $'000 $'000 $'000 DEPARTMENT OF SOCIAL SERVICES Outcome 1 - Maintain and enhance the financial wellbeing 252,452 53,916 306,369 and self-sufficiency of eligible persons and their 244,325 52,181 296,506 dependants through access to income support, compensation, and other support services, including advice and information about entitlements Outcome 2 - Maintain and enhance the physical wellbeing 106,663 9,719 116,383 and quality of life of eligible persons and their 105,366 9,601 114,967 dependants through health and other care services that promote early intervention, prevention and treatment, including advice and information about health service entitlements Outcome 3 - Acknowledgement and commemoration of those 31,531 41,305 42,678 who served Australia and its allies in wars, 30,516 41,305 71,821 conflicts and peace operations through promoting recognition of service and sacrifice, preservation of Australia's wartime heritage, and official commemorations Total: Department of Social Services 390,646 104,940 499,371 380,207 103,087 483,294 52 Appropriation Bill (No. 1) 2018-2019 No. , 2018 Services for which money is appropriated Schedule 1 DEFENCE PORTFOLIO Appropriation (plain figures)—2018-2019 Actual Available Appropriation (italic figures)—2017-2018 Administered $'000 DEPARTMENT OF SOCIAL SERVICES FOR PAYMENT TO AUSTRALIAN WAR MEMORIAL Outcome 1 - Australians remembering, interpreting and 52,597 understanding the Australian experience of war 50,904 and its enduring impact through maintaining and developing the national memorial, its collection and exhibition of historical material, commemorative ceremonies and research Total: Australian War Memorial 52,597 50,904 No. , 2018 Appropriation Bill (No. 1) 2018-2019 53 Schedule 1 Services for which money is appropriated EDUCATION AND TRAINING PORTFOLIO SUMMARY Summary of Appropriations (plain figures)—2018-2019 Actual Available Appropriation (italic figures)—2017-2018 Entity Departmental Administered Total $'000 $'000 $'000 Department of Education and Training 618,510 3,057,954 3,676,465 366,940 1,814,173 2,181,113 Australian Research Council 38,208 23,842 62,051 22,668 14,145 36,813 Australian Skills Quality Authority 62,896 - 62,896 37,314 - 37,314 Tertiary Education Quality and Standards Agency 33,010 - 33,010 19,584 - 19,584 Total: Education and Training 752,624 3,081,796 2,354,454 437,109 1,917,345 2,354,454 54 Appropriation Bill (No. 1) 2018-2019 No. , 2018 Services for which money is appropriated Schedule 1 EDUCATION AND TRAINING PORTFOLIO Appropriation (plain figures)—2018-2019 Actual Available Appropriation (italic figures)—2017-2018 Departmental Administered Total $'000 $'000 $'000 DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION AND TRAINING Outcome 1 - Improved early learning, schooling, student 319,517 791,684 1,111,202 educational outcomes and transitions to and 189,558 469,678 659,236 from school through access to quality child care, support, parent engagement, quality teaching and learning environments Outcome 2 - Promote growth in economic productivity and 298,993 2,266,268 2,565,262 social wellbeing through access to quality higher 177,382 1,344,495 1,521,877 education, international education, and international quality research, skills and training Total: Department of Education and Training 618,510 3,057,952 3,676,465 366,666 1,910,824 2,181,113 No. , 2018 Appropriation Bill (No. 1) 2018-2019 55 Schedule 1 Services for which money is appropriated EDUCATION AND TRAINING PORTFOLIO Appropriation (plain figures)—2018-2019 Actual Available Appropriation (italic figures)—2017-2018 Departmental Administered Total $'000 $'000 $'000 AUSTRALIAN RESEARCH COUNCIL Outcome 1 - Growth of knowledge and innovation through 38,208 23,842 62,051 managing research funding schemes, measuring 22,668 14,145 36,813 research excellence and providing advice Total: Australian Research Council 38,208 23,842 62,051 22,668 14,145 36,813 56 Appropriation Bill (No. 1) 2018-2019 No. , 2018 Services for which money is appropriated Schedule 1 EDUCATION AND TRAINING PORTFOLIO Appropriation (plain figures)—2018-2019 Actual Available Appropriation (italic figures)—2017-2018 Departmental Administered Total $'000 $'000 $'000 AUSTRALIAN SKILLS QUALITY AUTHORITY Outcome 1 - Contribute to a high quality vocational education 62,896 - 62,896 and training sector, including through 37,314 - 37,314 streamlined and nationally consistent regulation of training providers and courses, and the communication of advice to the sector on improvements to the quality of vocational education and training Total: Australian Skills Quality Authority 62,896 - 62,896 37,314 - 37,314 No. , 2018 Appropriation Bill (No. 1) 2018-2019 57 Schedule 1 Services for which money is appropriated EDUCATION AND TRAINING PORTFOLIO Appropriation (plain figures)—2018-2019 Actual Available Appropriation (italic figures)—2017-2018 Departmental Administered Total $'000 $'000 $'000 TERTIARY EDUCATION QUALITY AND STANDARDS AGENCY Outcome 1 - Contribute to a high quality higher education 33,010 - 33,010 sector through streamlined and nationally 19,584 - 19,584 consistent higher education regulatory arrangements; registration of higher education providers; accreditation of higher education courses; and investigation, quality assurance and dissemination of higher education standards and performance Total: Tertiary Education Quality and 33,010 - 33,010 Standards Agency 19,584 - 19,584 58 Appropriation Bill (No. 1) 2018-2019 No. , 2018 Services for which money is appropriated Schedule 1 ADVANCEMENT PORTFOLIO SUMMARY Summary of Appropriations (plain figures)—2018-2019 Actual Available Appropriation (italic figures)—2017-2018 Entity Departmental Administered Total $'000 $'000 $'000 Department of Advancement 110,200 142,135 328,938 413,140 383,780 796,920 Payments to corporate entities: Aboriginal Hostels Limited 36,968 36,968 36,323 36,323 Australian Institute of Aboriginal and Torres 20,750 20,750 Strait Islander Studies 20,388 20,388 Indigenous Business Australia 9,935 9,935 9,762 9,762 Indigenous Land Corporation 8,904 8,904 8,749 8,749 Torres Strait Regional Authority 36,520 36,520 35,883 35,883 Director of National Parks 48,276 48,276 47,434 47,434 Bureau of Meteorology 274,789 - 274,789 269,991 - 269,991 Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority 43,287 - 43,287 42,532 - 42,532 Workplace Gender Equality Agency 5,144 - 5,144 5,055 - 5,055 Total: Advancement 432,420 303,488 813,511 730,718 639,102 1,273,037 No. , 2018 Appropriation Bill (No. 1) 2018-2019 59 Schedule 1 Services for which money is appropriated ADVANCEMENT PORTFOLIO Appropriation (plain figures)—2018-2019 Actual Available Appropriation (italic figures)—2017-2018 Departmental Administered Total $'000 $'000 $'000 DEPARTMENT OF ADVANCEMENT Outcome 1 - Conserve, protect and sustainably manage 76,740 150,706 227,447 Australia's biodiversity, ecosystems, 185,920 365,118 551,038 environment and heritage through research, information management, supporting natural resource management, establishing and managing Commonwealth protected areas, and reducing and regulating the use of pollutants and hazardous substances Outcome 2 - Reduce Australia's greenhouse gas emissions, 19,900 985 20,886 adapt to the impacts of climate change, 48,215 2,388 50,603 contribute to effective global action on climate change, and support technological innovation in clean and renewable energy, through developing and implementing a national response to climate change Outcome 3 - Advance Australia's strategic, scientific, 80,605 - 80,605 environmental and economic interests in the 118,677 - 118,677 Antarctic region by protecting, administering and researching the region Total: Department of Advancement 413,140 383,780 328,938 472,208 415,269 796,920 60 Appropriation Bill (No. 1) 2018-2019 No. , 2018 Services for which money is appropriated Schedule 1 ADVANCEMENT PORTFOLIO Appropriation (plain figures)—2018-2019 Actual Available Appropriation (italic figures)—2017-2018 Administered $'000 DEPARTMENT OF ADVANCEMENT FOR PAYMENT TO ABORIGINAL HOSTELS LIMITED Outcome 1 - Improved access to education, employment, 36,968 health and other services for Aboriginal and 36,323 Torres Strait Islander people travelling or relocating through the operation of temporary hostel accommodation services Total: Aboriginal Hostels Limited 36,968 36,323 No. , 2018 Appropriation Bill (No. 1) 2018-2019 61 Schedule 1 Services for which money is appropriated ADVANCEMENT PORTFOLIO Appropriation (plain figures)—2018-2019 Actual Available Appropriation (italic figures)—2017-2018 Administered $'000 DEPARTMENT OF ADVANCEMENT FOR PAYMENT TO AUSTRALIAN INSTITUTE OF ABORIGINAL AND TORRES STRAIT ISLANDER STUDIES Outcome 1 - Further understanding of Australian Indigenous 20,750 cultures, past and present through undertaking 20,388 and publishing research, and providing access to print and audiovisual collections Total: Australian Institute of Aboriginal and 20,750 Torres Strait Islander Studies 20,388 62 Appropriation Bill (No. 1) 2018-2019 No. , 2018 Services for which money is appropriated Schedule 1 ADVANCEMENT PORTFOLIO Appropriation (plain figures)—2018-2019 Actual Available Appropriation (italic figures)—2017-2018 Administered $'000 DEPARTMENT OF ADVANCEMENT FOR PAYMENT TO INDIGENOUS BUSINESS AUSTRALIA Outcome 1 - Improved wealth acquisition to support the 9,935 economic independence of Aboriginal and 9,762 Torres Strait Islander peoples through commercial enterprise, asset acquisition, construction and access to concessional home and business loans Total: Indigenous Business Australia 9,935 9,762 No. , 2018 Appropriation Bill (No. 1) 2018-2019 63 Schedule 1 Services for which money is appropriated ADVANCEMENT PORTFOLIO Appropriation (plain figures)—2018-2019 Actual Available Appropriation (italic figures)—2017-2018 Administered $'000 DEPARTMENT OF ADVANCEMENT FOR PAYMENT TO INDIGENOUS LAND CORPORATION Outcome 1 - Enhanced socio-economic development, 8,904 maintenance of cultural identity and protection of 8,749 the environment by Indigenous Australians through land acquisition and management Total: Indigenous Land Corporation 8,904 8,749 64 Appropriation Bill (No. 1) 2018-2019 No. , 2018 Services for which money is appropriated Schedule 1 ADVANCEMENT PORTFOLIO Appropriation (plain figures)—2018-2019 Actual Available Appropriation (italic figures)—2017-2018 Administered $'000 DEPARTMENT OF ADVANCEMENT FOR PAYMENT TO TORRES STRAIT REGIONAL AUTHORITY Outcome 1 - Progress towards closing the gap for Torres 36,520 Strait Islander and Aboriginal people living in the 35,883 Torres Strait Region through development planning, coordination, sustainable resource management, and preservation and promotion of Indigenous culture Total: Torres Strait Regional Authority 35,520 35,883 No. , 2018 Appropriation Bill (No. 1) 2018-2019 65 Schedule 1 Services for which money is appropriated ADVANCEMENT PORTFOLIO Appropriation (plain figures)—2018-2019 Actual Available Appropriation (italic figures)—2017-2018 Administered $'000 DEPARTMENT OF ADVANCEMENT FOR PAYMENT TO DIRECTOR OF NATIONAL PARKS Outcome 1 - Management of Commonwealth reserves as 47,434 outstanding natural places that enhance 47,434 Australia's well-being through the protection and conservation of their natural and cultural values, supporting the aspirations of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people in managing their traditional land and sea country, and offering world class natural and cultural visitor experiences Total: Director of National Parks 47,434 47,434 66 Appropriation Bill (No. 1) 2018-2019 No. , 2018 Services for which money is appropriated Schedule 1 ADVANCEMENT PORTFOLIO Appropriation (plain figures)—2018-2019 Actual Available Appropriation (italic figures)—2017-2018 Departmental Administered Total $'000 $'000 $'000 BUREAU OF METEOROLOGY Outcome 1 - Enabling a safe, prosperous, secure and healthy 274,789 - 274,789 Australia through the provision of weather, 269,991 - 269,991 water, climate and ocean services Total: Bureau of Meteorology 274,789 - 274,789 269,991 - 269,991 No. , 2018 Appropriation Bill (No. 1) 2018-2019 67 Schedule 1 Services for which money is appropriated ADVANCEMENT PORTFOLIO Appropriation (plain figures)—2018-2019 Actual Available Appropriation (italic figures)—2017-2018 Departmental Administered Total $'000 $'000 $'000 GREAT BARRIER REEF MARINE PARK AUTHORITY Outcome 1 - The long-term protection, ecologically 43,287 - 43,287 sustainable use, understanding and enjoyment 42,532 - 42,532 of the Great Barrier Reef for all Australians and the international community, through the care and development of the Marine Park Total: Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority 43,287 - 43,287 42,532 - 42,532 68 Appropriation Bill (No. 1) 2018-2019 No. , 2018 Services for which money is appropriated Schedule 1 ADVANCEMENT PORTFOLIO Appropriation (plain figures)—2018-2019 Actual Available Appropriation (italic figures)—2017-2018 Departmental Administered Total $'000 $'000 $'000 WORKPLACE GENDER EQUALITY AGENCY Outcome 1 - Promote and improve gender equality in 5,145 - 5,145 Australian workplaces including through the 5,055 - 5,055 provision of advice and assistance to employers and the assessment and measurement of workplace gender data Total: Workplace Gender Equality Agency 5,145 - 5,145 5,055 - 5,055 No. , 2018 Appropriation Bill (No. 1) 2018-2019 69 Schedule 1 Services for which money is appropriated FINANCE PORTFOLIO SUMMARY Summary of Appropriations (plain figures)—2018-2019 Actual Available Appropriation (italic figures)—2017-2018 Entity Departmental Administered Total $'000 $'000 $'000 Department of Finance 268,842 284,201 553,044 264,149 279,239 543,388 Australian Electoral Commission 406,358 - 406,358 399,264 - 399,264 Independent Parliamentary Expenses Authority 10,158 35,734 45,893 9,981 35,111 45,092 Total: Finance 685,358 319,935 1,005,295 673,394 314,350 987,744 70 Appropriation Bill (No. 1) 2018-2019 No. , 2018 Services for which money is appropriated Schedule 1 FINANCE PORTFOLIO Appropriation (plain figures)—2018-2019 Actual Available Appropriation (italic figures)—2017-2018 Departmental Administered Total $'000 $'000 $'000 DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE Outcome 1 - Support sustainable Australian Government 90,933 - 90,933 finances through providing high quality policy 89,346 - 89,346 advice and operational support to the government and Commonwealth entities to maintain effective and efficient use of public resources Outcome 2 - Support an efficient and high-performing public 146,392 12,680 159,070 sector through providing leadership to 143,837 12,456 156,293 Commonwealth entities in ongoing improvements to public sector governance, including through systems, frameworks, policy, advice and service delivery Outcome 3 - Support for Parliamentarians and others as 31,516 271,522 303,039 required by the Australian Government through 30,966 266,783 297,749 the delivery of, and advice on, work expenses and allowances, entitlements and targeted programs Total: Department of Finance 268,842 284,201 553,044 264,149 279,239 543,388 No. , 2018 Appropriation Bill (No. 1) 2018-2019 71 Schedule 1 Services for which money is appropriated FINANCE PORTFOLIO Appropriation (plain figures)—2018-2019 Actual Available Appropriation (italic figures)—2017-2018 Departmental Administered Total $'000 $'000 $'000 AUSTRALIAN ELECTORAL COMMISSION Outcome 1 - Maintain an impartial and independent electoral 406,358 - 406,358 system for eligible voters through active electoral 399,264 - 399,264 roll management, efficient delivery of polling services, and targeted education and public awareness programs Total: Australian Electoral Commission 406,358 - 406,358 399,264 - 399,264 72 Appropriation Bill (No. 1) 2018-2019 No. , 2018 Services for which money is appropriated Schedule 1 FINANCE PORTFOLIO Appropriation (plain figures)—2018-2019 Actual Available Appropriation (italic figures)—2017-2018 Departmental Administered Total $'000 $'000 $'000 INDEPENDENT PARLIAMENTARY EXPENSES AUTHORITY Outcome 1 - Support for current and former Parliamentarians 10,158 35,734 45,893 and others as required by the Australian 9,981 35,111 45,092 Government through the delivery of, independent oversight and advice on, work resources and travel resources Total: Independent Parliamentary Expenses 10,158 35,734 45,893 Authority 9,981 35,111 45,092 No. , 2018 Appropriation Bill (No. 1) 2018-2019 73 Schedule 1 Services for which money is appropriated FOREIGN AFFAIRS PORTFOLIO SUMMARY Summary of Appropriations (plain figures)—2018-2019 Actual Available Appropriation (italic figures)—2017-2018 Entity Departmental Administered Total $'000 $'000 $'000 Department of Foreign Affairs 500,709 1,302,092 1,802,802 1,475,902 3,838,076 5,313,978 Payments to corporate entities: Australian Centre for International Agricultural 9,716 99,705 109,422 Research 9,547 97,965 107,512 Australian Secret Intelligence Service 324,434 - 324,434 318,770 - 318,770 Total: Foreign Affairs and Trade 834,859 1,401,797 2,236,658 2,020,040 4,209,400 6,229,440 74 Appropriation Bill (No. 1) 2018-2019 No. , 2018 Services for which money is appropriated Schedule 1 FOREIGN AFFAIRS PORTFOLIO Appropriation (plain figures)—2018-2019 Actual Available Appropriation (italic figures)—2017-2018 Departmental Administered Total $'000 $'000 $'000 DEPARTMENT OF FOREIGN AFFAIRS Outcome 1 - The advancement of Australia's international 904,205 3,837,326 1,664,211 strategic, security and economic interests 904,205 3,837,326 4,741,531 including through bilateral, regional and multilateral engagement on Australian Government foreign and international development policy priorities Outcome 2 - The protection and welfare of Australians abroad 351,050 750 351,800 and access to secure international travel 351,050 750 351,800 documentation through timely and responsive travel advice and consular and passport services in Australia and overseas Outcome 3 - A secure Australian Government presence 220,647 - 220,647 overseas through the provision of security 220,647 - 220,647 services and information and communications technology infrastructure, and the management of the Commonwealth's overseas property estate Total: Department of Foreign Affairs 834,859 1,401,797 2,236,658 1,475,902 3,838,076 5,313,978 No. , 2018 Appropriation Bill (No. 1) 2018-2019 75 Schedule 1 Services for which money is appropriated FOREIGN AFFAIRS PORTFOLIO Appropriation (plain figures)—2018-2019 Actual Available Appropriation (italic figures)—2017-2018 Departmental Administered Total $'000 $'000 $'000 AUSTRALIAN CENTRE FOR INTERNATIONAL AGRICULTURAL RESEARCH Outcome 1 - To achieve more productive and sustainable 9,716 99,705 109,422 agricultural systems for the benefit of developing 9,547 97,965 107,512 countries and Australia through international agricultural research and training partnerships Total: Australian Centre for International 9,716 99,705 109,422 Agricultural Research 9,547 97,965 107,512 76 Appropriation Bill (No. 1) 2018-2019 No. , 2018 Services for which money is appropriated Schedule 1 FOREIGN AFFAIRS AND TRADE PORTFOLIO Appropriation (plain figures)—2018-2019 Actual Available Appropriation (italic figures)—2017-2018 Departmental Administered Total $'000 $'000 $'000 AUSTRALIAN SECRET INTELLIGENCE SERVICE Outcome 1 - Enhanced understanding for the Government of 324,434 - 324,434 the overseas environment affecting Australia's 318,770 - 318,770 interests through the provision of covert intelligence services about the capabilities, intentions or activities of people or organisations outside Australia Total: Australian Secret Intelligence Service 324,434 - 324,434 318,770 - 318,770 No. , 2018 Appropriation Bill (No. 1) 2018-2019 77 Schedule 1 Services for which money is appropriated HEALTH PORTFOLIO SUMMARY Summary of Appropriations (plain figures)—2018-2019 Actual Available Appropriation (italic figures)—2017-2018 Entity Departmental Administered Total $'000 $'000 $'000 Department of Health 702,498 10,078,505 10,781,004 679,882 9,754,028 10,433,910 Payments to corporate entities: Australian Digital Health Agency 226,564 226,564 219,270 219,270 Australian Institute of Health and Welfare 34,430 34,430 33,322 33,322 Australian Sports Commission 323,907 323,907 313,479 313,479 Food Standards Australia New Zealand 17,461 17,461 16,899 16,899 Australian Aged Care Quality Agency 32,143 - 32,143 31,109 - 31,109 Australian Organ and Tissue Donation and 5,889 44,583 50,483 Transplantation Authority 5,710 43,148 48,858 Australian Radiation Protection and Nuclear Safety 15,192 - 15,192 Agency 14,703 - 14,703 Australian Sports Anti-Doping Authority 16,191 - 16,191 15,670 - 15,670 Cancer Australia 11,540 20,460 32,001 11,169 19,802 30,971 National Blood Authority 6,508 3,516 10,025 6,299 3,404 9,703 National Health Funding Body 5,556 - 5,556 5,378 - 5,378 National Health and Medical Research Council 39,018 912,117 951,136 37,762 882,753 920,515 National Mental Health Commission 5,907 3,910 9,818 5,717 3,785 9,502 Professional Services Review 6,269 - 6,269 6,068 - 6,068 Total: Health 846,711 11,665,453 12,512,186 819,467 11,289,890 12,109,357 78 Appropriation Bill (No. 1) 2018-2019 No. , 2018 Services for which money is appropriated Schedule 1 HEALTH PORTFOLIO Appropriation (plain figures)—2018-2019 Actual Available Appropriation (italic figures)—2017-2018 Departmental Administered Total $'000 $'000 $'000 DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH Outcome 1 - Australia's health system is better equipped to 66,383 90,929 157,312 meet current and future health needs by 64,246 88,001 152,247 applying research, evaluation, innovation, and use of data to develop and implement integrated, evidence-based health policies, and through support for sustainable funding for health infrastructure Outcome 2 - Support for sustainable funding for public 197,725 4,496,985 4,694,710 hospital services and improved access to high 191,359 4,352,205 4,543,564 quality, comprehensive and coordinated preventive, primary and mental health care for all Australians, with a focus on those with complex health care needs and those living in regional, rural and remote areas, including through access to a skilled health workforce Outcome 3 - Improved opportunities for community 8,416 24,701 33,117 participation in sport and recreation, excellence 8,145 23,906 32,051 in high-performance athletes, and protecting the integrity of sport through investment in sport infrastructure, coordination of Commonwealth involvement in major sporting events, and research and international cooperation on sport issues Outcome 4 - Access to cost-effective medicines, medical, 184,805 1,539,499 1,724,304 dental and hearing services, and improved 178,855 1,489,935 1,668,790 choice in health services, including through the Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme, Medicare, targeted assistance strategies and private health insurance Outcome 5 - Protection of the health and safety of the 60,520 128,775 189,295 Australian community and preparedness to 58,572 124,629 183,201 respond to national health emergencies and risks, including through immunisation, initiatives, and regulation of therapeutic goods, chemicals, gene technology, and blood and organ products No. , 2018 Appropriation Bill (No. 1) 2018-2019 79 Schedule 1 Services for which money is appropriated HEALTH PORTFOLIO Appropriation (plain figures)—2018-2019 Actual Available Appropriation (italic figures)—2017-2018 Departmental Administered Total $'000 $'000 $'000 DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH Outcome 6 - Improved wellbeing for older Australians through 184,650 3,797,616 3,982,266 targeted support, access to quality care and 178,705 3,675,352 3,854,057 related information services Total: Department of Health 702,498 10,078,506 10,781,004 679,882 9,754,028 10,433,910 80 Appropriation Bill (No. 1) 2018-2019 No. , 2018 Services for which money is appropriated Schedule 1 HEALTH PORTFOLIO Appropriation (plain figures)—2018-2019 Actual Available Appropriation (italic figures)—2017-2018 Administered $'000 DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH FOR PAYMENT TO AUSTRALIAN DIGITAL HEALTH AGENCY Outcome 1 - To deliver national digital healthcare systems to 226,564 enable and support improvement in health 219,270 outcomes for Australians Total: Australian Digital Health Agency 226,564 219,270 No. , 2018 Appropriation Bill (No. 1) 2018-2019 81 Schedule 1 Services for which money is appropriated HEALTH PORTFOLIO Appropriation (plain figures)—2018-2019 Actual Available Appropriation (italic figures)—2017-2018 Administered $'000 DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH FOR PAYMENT TO AUSTRALIAN INSTITUTE OF HEALTH AND WELFARE Outcome 1 - A robust evidence-base for the health, housing 34,430 and community sectors, including through 33,322 developing and disseminating comparable health and welfare information and statistics Total: Australian Institute of Health and Welfare 34,430 33,322 82 Appropriation Bill (No. 1) 2018-2019 No. , 2018 Services for which money is appropriated Schedule 1 HEALTH PORTFOLIO Appropriation (plain figures)—2018-2019 Actual Available Appropriation (italic figures)—2017-2018 Administered $'000 DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH FOR PAYMENT TO AUSTRALIAN SPORTS COMMISSION Outcome 1 - Increased participation in organised sport and 323,907 continued international sporting success 313,479 including through leadership and development of a cohesive and effective sports sector, provision of targeted financial support, and the operation of the Australian Institute of Sport Total: Australian Sports Commission 323,907 313,479 No. , 2018 Appropriation Bill (No. 1) 2018-2019 83 Schedule 1 Services for which money is appropriated HEALTH PORTFOLIO Appropriation (plain figures)—2018-2019 Actual Available Appropriation (italic figures)—2017-2018 Administered $'000 DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH FOR PAYMENT TO FOOD STANDARDS AUSTRALIA NEW ZEALAND Outcome 1 - A safe food supply and well-informed consumers 17,461 in Australia and New Zealand, including through 16,899 the development of food regulatory measures and the promotion of their consistent implementation, coordination of food recall activities and the monitoring of consumer and industry food practices Total: Food Standards Australia New Zealand 17,461 16,899 84 Appropriation Bill (No. 1) 2018-2019 No. , 2018 Services for which money is appropriated Schedule 1 HEALTH PORTFOLIO Appropriation (plain figures)—2018-2019 Actual Available Appropriation (italic figures)—2017-2018 Departmental Administered Total $'000 $'000 $'000 AUSTRALIAN AGED CARE QUALITY AGENCY Outcome 1 - High-quality care for persons receiving 32,144 - 32,144 Australian Government subsidised aged care 31,109 - 31,109 through the accreditation of aged care services in residential settings, the quality review of aged care services provided in the community and the provision of quality information to consumers, as well as the provision of information, education and training to aged care providers Total: Australian Aged Care Quality Agency 32,144 - 32,144 31,109 - 31,109 No. , 2018 Appropriation Bill (No. 1) 2018-2019 85 Schedule 1 Services for which money is appropriated HEALTH PORTFOLIO Appropriation (plain figures)—2018-2019 Actual Available Appropriation (italic figures)—2017-2018 Departmental Administered Total $'000 $'000 $'000 AUSTRALIAN ORGAN AND TISSUE DONATION AND TRANSPLANTATION AUTHORITY Outcome 1 - Improved access to organ and tissue 5,900 44,583 50,483 transplants, including through a nationally 5,710 43,148 48,858 coordinated and consistent approach and system Total: Australian Organ and Tissue Donation 5,900 44,583 50,483 and Transplantation Authority 5,710 43,148 48,858 86 Appropriation Bill (No. 1) 2018-2019 No. , 2018 Services for which money is appropriated Schedule 1 HEALTH PORTFOLIO Appropriation (plain figures)—2018-2019 Actual Available Appropriation (italic figures)—2017-2018 Departmental Administered Total $'000 $'000 $'000 AUSTRALIAN RADIATION PROTECTION AND NUCLEAR SAFETY AGENCY Outcome 1 - Protection of people and the environment 15,192 - 15,192 through radiation protection and nuclear safety 14,703 - 14,703 research, policy, advice, codes, standards, services and regulation Total: Australian Radiation Protection and 15,192 - 15,192 Nuclear Safety Agency 14,703 - 14,703 No. , 2018 Appropriation Bill (No. 1) 2018-2019 87 Schedule 1 Services for which money is appropriated HEALTH PORTFOLIO Appropriation (plain figures)—2018-2019 Actual Available Appropriation (italic figures)—2017-2018 Departmental Administered Total $'000 $'000 $'000 AUSTRALIAN SPORTS ANTI-DOPING AUTHORITY Outcome 1 - Protection of the health of athletes and the 16,191 - 16,191 integrity of Australian sport including through 15,670 - 15,670 engagement, deterrence, detection and enforcement to minimise the risk of doping Total: Australian Sports Anti-Doping Authority 16,191 - 16,191 15,670 - 15,670 88 Appropriation Bill (No. 1) 2018-2019 No. , 2018 Services for which money is appropriated Schedule 1 HEALTH PORTFOLIO Appropriation (plain figures)—2018-2019 Actual Available Appropriation (italic figures)—2017-2018 Departmental Administered Total $'000 $'000 $'000 CANCER AUSTRALIA Outcome 1 - Minimised impacts of cancer, including through 11,540 20,461 32,001 national leadership in cancer control with 11,169 19,802 30,971 targeted research and clinical trials; evidence informed clinical practice; strengthened national data capacity; community and consumer information and support Total: Cancer Australia 11,540 20,461 32,001 11,169 19,802 30,971 No. , 2018 Appropriation Bill (No. 1) 2018-2019 89 Schedule 1 Services for which money is appropriated HEALTH PORTFOLIO Appropriation (plain figures)—2018-2019 Actual Available Appropriation (italic figures)—2017-2018 Departmental Administered Total $'000 $'000 $'000 NATIONAL BLOOD AUTHORITY Outcome 1 - Access to a secure supply of safe and affordable 6,508 3,517 10,025 blood products, including through national supply 6,299 3,404 9,703 arrangements and coordination of best practice standards within agreed funding policies under the national blood arrangements Total: National Blood Authority 6,508 3,517 10,025 6,299 3,404 9,703 90 Appropriation Bill (No. 1) 2018-2019 No. , 2018 Services for which money is appropriated Schedule 1 HEALTH PORTFOLIO Appropriation (plain figures)—2018-2019 Actual Available Appropriation (italic figures)—2017-2018 Departmental Administered Total $'000 $'000 $'000 NATIONAL HEALTH FUNDING BODY Outcome 1 - Provide transparent and efficient administration 5,557 - 5,557 of Commonwealth, state and territory funding of 5,378 - 5,378 the Australian public hospital system, and support the obligations and responsibilities of the Administrator of the National Health Funding Pool Total: National Health Funding Body 5,557 - 5,557 5,378 - 5,378 No. , 2018 Appropriation Bill (No. 1) 2018-2019 91 Schedule 1 Services for which money is appropriated HEALTH PORTFOLIO Appropriation (plain figures)—2018-2019 Actual Available Appropriation (italic figures)—2017-2018 Departmental Administered Total $'000 $'000 $'000 NATIONAL HEALTH AND MEDICAL RESEARCH COUNCIL Outcome 1 - Improved health and medical knowledge, 39,018 912,119 951,137 including through funding research, translating 37,762 882,753 920,515 research findings into evidence-based clinical practice, administering legislation governing research, issuing guidelines and advice for ethics in health and the promotion of public health Total: National Health and Medical Research 39,018 912,119 951,137 Council 37,762 882,753 920,515 92 Appropriation Bill (No. 1) 2018-2019 No. , 2018 Services for which money is appropriated Schedule 1 HEALTH PORTFOLIO Appropriation (plain figures)—2018-2019 Actual Available Appropriation (italic figures)—2017-2018 Departmental Administered Total $'000 $'000 $'000 NATIONAL MENTAL HEALTH COMMISSION Outcome 1 - Provide expert advice to the Australian 5,907 3,911 9,818 Government and cross-sectoral leadership on 5,717 3,785 9,502 the policy, programs, services and systems that support mental health in Australia, including through administering the Annual National Report Card on Mental Health and Suicide Prevention, undertaking performance monitoring and reporting, and engaging consumers and carers Total: National Mental Health Commission 5,907 3,911 9,818 5,717 3,785 9,502 No. , 2018 Appropriation Bill (No. 1) 2018-2019 93 Schedule 1 Services for which money is appropriated HEALTH PORTFOLIO Appropriation (plain figures)—2018-2019 Actual Available Appropriation (italic figures)—2017-2018 Departmental Administered Total $'000 $'000 $'000 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES REVIEW Outcome 1 - A reduction of the risks to patients and costs to 6,270 - 6,270 the Australian Government of inappropriate 6,068 - 6,068 practice, including through investigating health services claimed under the Medicare and Pharmaceutical benefits schemes Total: Professional Services Review 6,270 - 6,270 6,068 - 6,068 94 Appropriation Bill (No. 1) 2018-2019 No. , 2018 Services for which money is appropriated Schedule 1 HOME AFFAIRS PORTFOLIO SUMMARY Summary of Appropriations (plain figures)—2018-2019 Actual Available Appropriation (italic figures)—2017-2018 Entity Departmental Administered Total $'000 $'000 $'000 Department of Home Affairs 1,326,419 854,298 2,180,718 641,858 826,794 2,110,510 Australian Criminal Intelligence Commission 109,752 - 109,752 106,219 106,219 Australian Federal Police 764,517 8,084 772,601 739,904 7,823 747,727 Australian Institute of Criminology 5,163 - 5,163 4,997 4,997 Australian Transaction Reports and Analysis 73,836 - 73,836 Centre 71,459 71,459 Total: Home Affairs 2,279,687 862,382 3,142,069 1,564,437 834,617 2,399,054 No. , 2018 Appropriation Bill (No. 1) 2018-2019 95 Schedule 1 Services for which money is appropriated HOME AFFAIRS PORTFOLIO Appropriation (plain figures)—2018-2019 Actual Available Appropriation (italic figures)—2017-2018 Departmental Administered Total $'000 $'000 $'000 DEPARTMENT OF HOME AFFAIRS Outcome 1 - Protect Australia's sovereignty, security and 1,814,350 1,658,870 1,736,610 safety through its national security, emergency 1,755,938 1,605,462 1,680,700 management system, law enforcement, and managing its border, including managing the stay and departure of all non-citizens Outcome 2 - Support a prosperous and inclusive society, and 768,011 49,728 408,870 advance Australia's economic interests through 743,285 48,127 211,235 the effective management of the visa, multicultural and citizenship programs and provision of refugee and humanitarian assistance Outcome 3 - Advance Australia's economic interests through 70,476 - 35,238 the facilitation of the trade of goods to and from 68,207 - 218,575 Australia and the collection of border revenue Total: Department of Home Affairs 1,326,419 854,298 2,180,718 641,858 826,794 2,110,510 96 Appropriation Bill (No. 1) 2018-2019 No. , 2018 Services for which money is appropriated Schedule 1 HOME AFFAIRS PORTFOLIO Appropriation (plain figures)—2018-2019 Actual Available Appropriation (italic figures)—2017-2018 Departmental Administered Total $'000 $'000 $'000 AUSTRALIAN CRIMINAL INTELLIGENCE COMMISSION Outcome 1 - To make Australia safer through improved 109,752 - 109,752 national ability to discover, understand and 106,219 - 106,219 respond to current and emerging crime threats and criminal justice issues, including the ability to connect police and law enforcement to essential criminal intelligence, policing knowledge and information through collaborative national information systems and services Total: Australian Criminal Intelligence 109,752 - 109,752 Commission 106,219 - 106,219 No. , 2018 Appropriation Bill (No. 1) 2018-2019 97 Schedule 1 Services for which money is appropriated HOME AFFAIRS PORTFOLIO Appropriation (plain figures)—2018-2019 Actual Available Appropriation (italic figures)—2017-2018 Departmental Administered Total $'000 $'000 $'000 AUSTRALIAN FEDERAL POLICE Outcome 1 - Reduced criminal and security threats to 764,517 8,084 772,601 Australia's collective economic and societal 739,904 7,823 747,727 interests through co-operative policing services Total: Australian Federal Police 764,517 8,084 772,601 739,904 7,823 747,727 98 Appropriation Bill (No. 1) 2018-2019 No. , 2018 Services for which money is appropriated Schedule 1 HOME AFFAIRS PORTFOLIO Appropriation (plain figures)—2018-2019 Actual Available Appropriation (italic figures)—2017-2018 Departmental Administered Total $'000 $'000 $'000 AUSTRALIAN INSTITUTE OF CRIMINOLOGY Outcome 1 - Informed crime and justice policy and practice in 5,163 - 5,163 Australia by undertaking, funding and 4,997 - 4,997 disseminating policy-relevant research of national significance; and through the generation of a crime and justice evidence base and national knowledge centre Total: Australian Institute of Criminology 5,163 - 5,163 4,997 - 4,997 No. , 2018 Appropriation Bill (No. 1) 2018-2019 99 Schedule 1 Services for which money is appropriated HOME AFFAIRS PORTFOLIO Appropriation (plain figures)—2018-2019 Actual Available Appropriation (italic figures)—2017-2018 Departmental Administered Total $'000 $'000 $'000 AUSTRALIAN TRANSACTION REPORTS AND ANALYSIS CENTRE Outcome 1 - The protection of the financial system from 73,836 - 73,836 criminal abuse through actionable financial 71,459 - 71,459 intelligence and collaboration with domestic and international partners Total: Australian Transaction Reports and 73,836 - 73,836 Analysis Centre 71,459 - 71,459 100 Appropriation Bill (No. 1) 2018-2019 No. , 2018 Services for which money is appropriated Schedule 1 DEVELOPMENT PORTFOLIO SUMMARY Summary of Appropriations (plain figures)—2018-2019 Actual Available Appropriation (italic figures)—2017-2018 Entity Departmental Administered Total $'000 $'000 $'000 Department of Development 259,821 2,114,383 2,374,204 211,371 1,720,105 1,931,476 Payments to corporate entities: Australian Maritime Safety Authority 79,079 79,079 77,605 77,605 Civil Aviation Safety Authority 44,774 44,774 43,936 43,936 Infrastructure Australia 11,733 11,733 11,514 11,514 National Transport Commission 3,542 3,542 3,476 3,476 Australian Transport Safety Bureau 21,053 - 21,053 20,660 - 20,660 Infrastructure and Project Financing Agency 4,278 - 4,278 4,198 - 4,198 National Capital Authority 20,675 20,124 40,799 20,289 19,749 40,038 Total: Development 305,827 2,273,635 2,579,462 321,945 1,625,567 1,947,512 No. , 2018 Appropriation Bill (No. 1) 2018-2019 101 Schedule 1 Services for which money is appropriated DEVELOPMENT PORTFOLIO Appropriation (plain figures)—2018-2019 Actual Available Appropriation (italic figures)—2017-2018 Departmental Administered Total $'000 $'000 $'000 DEPARTMENT OF DEVELOPMENT Outcome 1 - Improved infrastructure across Australia through 62,335 171,029 233,364 investment in and coordination of transport and 50,711 139,137 189,848 other infrastructure Outcome 2 - An efficient, sustainable, competitive, safe and 119,249 490,185 609,434 secure transport system for all transport users 97,012 398,778 495,790 through regulation, financial assistance and safety investigations Outcome 3 - Strengthening the sustainability, capacity and 51,567 1,261,122 1,312,689 diversity of our cities and regional economies 41,951 1,025,955 1,067,906 including through facilitating local partnerships between all levels of government and local communities; through reforms that stimulate economic growth; and providing grants and financial assistance Outcome 4 - Good governance in the Australian Territories 26,670 192,047 218,717 through the maintenance and improvement of 21,697 156,235 177,932 the overarching legislative framework for self- governing territories, and laws and services for non-self-governing territories Total: Department of Development 259,821 2,114,383 2,374,204 211,371 1,720,105 1,931,476 102 Appropriation Bill (No. 1) 2018-2019 No. , 2018 Services for which money is appropriated Schedule 1 DEVELOPMENT PORTFOLIO Appropriation (plain figures)—2018-2019 Actual Available Appropriation (italic figures)—2017-2018 Administered $'000 DEPARTMENT OF DEVELOPMENT FOR PAYMENT TO AUSTRALIAN MARITIME SAFETY AUTHORITY Outcome 1 - Minimise the risk of shipping incidents and 79,079 pollution in Australian waters through ship safety 77,605 and environment protection regulation and services and maximise people saved from maritime and aviation incidents through search and rescue coordination Total: Australian Maritime Safety Authority 79,079 77,605 No. , 2018 Appropriation Bill (No. 1) 2018-2019 103 Schedule 1 Services for which money is appropriated DEVELOPMENT PORTFOLIO Appropriation (plain figures)—2018-2019 Actual Available Appropriation (italic figures)—2017-2018 Administered $'000 DEPARTMENT OF DEVELOPMENT, FOR PAYMENT TO CIVIL AVIATION SAFETY AUTHORITY Outcome 1 - Maximise aviation safety through a regulatory 44,773 regime, detailed technical material on safety 43,936 standards, comprehensive aviation industry oversight, risk analysis, industry consultation, education and training Total: Civil Aviation Safety Authority 44,773 43,936 104 Appropriation Bill (No. 1) 2018-2019 No. , 2018 Services for which money is appropriated Schedule 1 DEVELOPMENT PORTFOLIO Appropriation (plain figures)—2018-2019 Actual Available Appropriation (italic figures)—2017-2018 Administered $'000 DEPARTMENT OF DEVELOPMENT FOR PAYMENT TO INFRASTRUCTURE AUSTRALIA Outcome 1 - Improve decision-making on matters relating to 11,733 infrastructure; advise governments and others 11,514 on matters relating to infrastructure, including better assessment of infrastructure needs and prioritisation of infrastructure projects; and promote best practice infrastructure planning, financing, delivery and operation Total: Infrastructure Australia 11,733 11,514 No. , 2018 Appropriation Bill (No. 1) 2018-2019 105 Schedule 1 Services for which money is appropriated DEVELOPMENT PORTFOLIO Appropriation (plain figures)—2018-2019 Actual Available Appropriation (italic figures)—2017-2018 Administered $'000 DEPARTMENT OF DEVELOPMENT FOR PAYMENT TO NATIONAL TRANSPORT COMMISSION Outcome 1 - Improved transport productivity, efficiency, safety 3,542 and environmental performance and regulatory 3,476 efficiency in Australia through developing, monitoring and maintaining nationally consistent regulatory and operational arrangements relating to road, rail and intermodal transport Total: National Transport Commission 3,542 3,476 106 Appropriation Bill (No. 1) 2018-2019 No. , 2018 Services for which money is appropriated Schedule 1 DEVELOPMENT PORTFOLIO Appropriation (plain figures)—2018-2019 Actual Available Appropriation (italic figures)—2017-2018 Departmental Administered Total $'000 $'000 $'000 AUSTRALIAN TRANSPORT SAFETY BUREAU Outcome 1 - Improved transport safety in Australia including 21,053 - 21,053 through: independent 'no blame' investigation of 20,660 - 20,660 transport accidents and other safety occurrences; safety data recording, analysis and research; and fostering safety awareness, knowledge and action Total: Australian Transport Safety Bureau 21,053 - 21,053 20,660 - 20,660 No. , 2018 Appropriation Bill (No. 1) 2018-2019 107 Schedule 1 Services for which money is appropriated DEVELOPMENT PORTFOLIO Appropriation (plain figures)—2018-2019 Actual Available Appropriation (italic figures)—2017-2018 Departmental Administered Total $'000 $'000 $'000 INFRASTRUCTURE AND PROJECT FINANCING AGENCY Outcome 1 - To leverage additional private sector investment 4,278 - 4,278 in infrastructure and secure better returns from 4,198 - 4,198 the Commonwealth's investment by assisting the Government to identify, assess, and broker financing opportunities for infrastructure and projects, including through engagement with Commonwealth entities, State and Territory governments, and the private sector Total: Infrastructure and Project Financing 4,278 - 4,278 Agency 4,198 - 4,198 108 Appropriation Bill (No. 1) 2018-2019 No. , 2018 Services for which money is appropriated Schedule 1 DEVELOPMENT PORTOFLIO Appropriation (plain figures)—2018-2019 Actual Available Appropriation (italic figures)—2017-2018 Departmental Administered Total $'000 $'000 $'000 NATIONAL CAPITAL AUTHORITY Outcome 1 - Manage the strategic planning, promotion and 20,675 19,124 40,799 enhancement of Canberra as the National 20,289 19,749 40,038 Capital for all Australians through the development and administration of the National Capital Plan, operation of the National Capital Exhibition, delivery of education and awareness programs and works to enhance the character of the National Capital Total: National Capital Authority 20,675 20,124 40,799 20,289 19,749 40,038 No. , 2018 Appropriation Bill (No. 1) 2018-2019 109 Schedule 1 Services for which money is appropriated INDUSTRY AND BUSINESS PORTFOLIO SUMMARY Summary of Appropriations (plain figures)—2018-2019 Actual Available Appropriation (italic figures)—2017-2018 Entity Departmental Administered Total $'000 $'000 $'000 Department of Industry, Innovation and Science 2,844,634 3,899,739 6,744,373 2,753,051 3,774,188 6,527,239 Payments to corporate entities: Australian Institute of Marine Science 48,953 48,953 47,377 47,377 Australian Nuclear Science and Technology 221,193 221,193 Organisation 214,072 214,072 Australian Trade and Investment Commission 219,621 148,936 368,557 207,945 141,018 348,963 Comcare 6,188 6,188 5,989 5,989 Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial 861,396 861,396 Research Organisation 833,661 833,661 Geoscience Australia 195,314 20 195,334 189,026 19 189,045 IP Australia 380 - 380 368 - 368 Asbestos Safety and Eradication Agency 3,489 - 3,489 3,377 - 3,377 Australian Building and Construction Commission 33,809 - 33,809 32,721 - 32,721 Fair Work Commission 78,961 - 78,961 76,419 - 76,419 Fair Work Ombudsman and Registered 129,133 - 129,133 Organisations Commission Entity 124,976 - 124,976 Safe Work Australia 10,666 - 10,666 10,323 - 10,323 Tourism Australia 136,895 136,895 132,488 132,488 Total: Industry and Business 3,516,007 5,323,320 8,839,214 3,402,706 5,148,812 8,554,747 110 Appropriation Bill (No. 1) 2018-2019 No. , 2018 Services for which money is appropriated Schedule 1 INDUSTRY AND BUSINESS PORTFOLIO Appropriation (plain figures)—2018-2019 Actual Available Appropriation (italic figures)—2017-2018 Departmental Administered Total $'000 $'000 $'000 DEPARTMENT OF INDUSTRY AND BUSINESS Outcome 1 - Enabling growth and productivity for globally 2,844,634 3,899,739 6,744,373 competitive industries through supporting 2,753,051 3,774,188 6,527,239 science and commercialisation, growing business investment and improving business capability and streamlining regulation Total: Department of Industry and 2,844,634 3,899,739 6,744,373 Business 2,753,051 3,774,188 6,527,239 No. , 2018 Appropriation Bill (No. 1) 2018-2019 111 Schedule 1 Services for which money is appropriated INDUSTRY AND BUSINESS PORTFOLIO Appropriation (plain figures)—2018-2019 Actual Available Appropriation (italic figures)—2017-2018 Administered $'000 DEPARTMENT OF INDUSTRY AND BUSINESS FOR PAYMENT TO AUSTRALIAN INSTITUTE OF MARINE SCIENCE Outcome 1 - Growth of knowledge to support protection and 48,953 sustainable development of Australia's marine 47,377 resources through innovative marine science and technology Total: Australian Institute of Marine Science 48,953 47,377 112 Appropriation Bill (No. 1) 2018-2019 No. , 2018 Services for which money is appropriated Schedule 1 INDUSTRY AND BUSINESS PORTFOLIO Appropriation (plain figures)—2018-2019 Actual Available Appropriation (italic figures)—2017-2018 Administered $'000 DEPARTMENT OF INDUSTRY AND BUSINESS FOR PAYMENT TO AUSTRALIAN NUCLEAR SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY ORGANISATION Outcome 1 - Improved knowledge, innovative capacity and 221,193 healthcare through nuclear-based facilities, 214,072 research, training, products, services and advice to Government, industry, the education sector and the Australian population Total: Australian Nuclear Science and 221,193 Technology Organisation 214,072 No. , 2018 Appropriation Bill (No. 1) 2018-2019 113 Schedule 1 Services for which money is appropriated INDUSTRY AND BUSINESS PORTFOLIO Appropriation (plain figures)—2018-2019 Actual Available Appropriation (italic figures)—2017-2018 Departmental Administered Total $'000 $'000 $'000 DEPARTMENT OF INDUSTRY AND BUSINESS FOR PAYMENT TO AUSTRALIAN TRADE AND INVESTMENT COMMISSION Outcome 1 - Contribute to Australia’s economic prosperity by 213,367 145,557 358,924 promoting Australia’s export and other 206,498 140,871 347,369 international economic interests through the provision of information, advice and services to business, associations, institutions and government Outcome 2 – The protection and welfare of Australians abroad 9,633 - 9,633 through timely and responsive consular and 9,323 9,323 passport services in specific locations overseas Total: Australian Trade and Investment 223,000 145,557 368,557 Commission 206,498 140,871 356,692 114 Appropriation Bill (No. 1) 2018-2019 No. , 2018 Services for which money is appropriated Schedule 1 INDUSTRY AND BUSINESS PORTFOLIO Appropriation (plain figures)—2018-2019 Actual Available Appropriation (italic figures)—2017-2018 Administered $'000 DEPARTMENT OF INDUSTRY AND BUSINESS FOR PAYMENT TO COMMONWEALTH SCIENTIFIC AND INDUSTRIAL RESEARCH ORGANISATION Outcome 1 - Innovative scientific and technology solutions to 837,394 national challenges and opportunities to benefit 833,661 industry, the environment and the community, through scientific research and capability development, services and advice Total: Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial 837,394 Research Organisation 833,661 No. , 2018 Appropriation Bill (No. 1) 2018-2019 115 Schedule 1 Services for which money is appropriated INDUSTRY AND BUSINESS PORTFOLIO Appropriation (plain figures)—2018-2019 Actual Available Appropriation (italic figures)—2017-2018 Departmental Administered Total $'000 $'000 $'000 GEOSCIENCE AUSTRALIA Outcome 1 - Informed government, industry and community 195,314 20 195,334 decisions on the economic, social and 189,026 19 189,045 environmental management of the nation's natural resources through enabling access to geoscientific and spatial information Total: Geoscience Australia 195,314 20 195,334 189,026 19 189,045 116 Appropriation Bill (No. 1) 2018-2019 No. , 2018 Services for which money is appropriated Schedule 1 INDUSTRY AND BUSINESS PORTFOLIO Appropriation (plain figures)—2018-2019 Actual Available Appropriation (italic figures)—2017-2018 Departmental Administered Total $'000 $'000 $'000 IP AUSTRALIA Outcome 1 - Increased innovation, investment and trade in 380 - 380 Australia, and by Australians overseas, through 368 - 368 the administration of the registrable intellectual property rights system, promoting public awareness and industry engagement, and advising government Total: IP Australia 380 - 380 368 - 368 No. , 2018 Appropriation Bill (No. 1) 2018-2019 117 Schedule 1 Services for which money is appropriated INDUSTRY AND BUSINESS PORTFOLIO Appropriation (plain figures)—2018-2019 Actual Available Appropriation (italic figures)—2017-2018 Administered $'000 DEPARTMENT OF INDUSTRY AND BUSINESS FOR PAYMENT TO COMCARE Outcome 1 - Support participation and productivity through 6,188 healthy and safe workplaces that minimise the 5,989 impact of harm in workplaces covered by Comcare Total: Comcare 6,188 5,989 118 Appropriation Bill (No. 1) 2018-2019 No. , 2018 Services for which money is appropriated Schedule 1 INDUSTRY AND BUSINESS PORTFOLIO Appropriation (plain figures)—2018-2019 Actual Available Appropriation (italic figures)—2017-2018 Departmental Administered Total $'000 $'000 $'000 ASBESTOS SAFETY AND ERADICATION AGENCY Outcome 1 - Assist in the prevention of exposure to asbestos 3,489 - 3,489 fibres and the elimination of asbestos-related 3,377 - 3,377 disease in Australia through implementing the National Strategic Plan for Asbestos Awareness and Management in Australia Total: Asbestos Safety and Eradication Agency 3,489 - 3,489 3,377 - 3,377 No. , 2018 Appropriation Bill (No. 1) 2018-2019 119 Schedule 1 Services for which money is appropriated INDUSTRY AND BUSINESS PORTFOLIO Appropriation (plain figures)—2018-2019 Actual Available Appropriation (italic figures)—2017-2018 Departmental Administered Total $'000 $'000 $'000 AUSTRALIAN BUILDING AND CONSTRUCTION COMMISSION Outcome 1 - Enforce workplace relations laws in the building 33,809 - 33,809 and construction industry and ensure 32,721 - 32,721 compliance with those laws by all participants in the building and construction industry through the provision of education, assistance and advice Total: Australian Building and Construction 33,809 - 33,809 Commission 32,721 - 32,721 120 Appropriation Bill (No. 1) 2018-2019 No. , 2018 Services for which money is appropriated Schedule 1 INDUSTRY AND BUSINESS PORTFOLIO Appropriation (plain figures)—2018-2019 Actual Available Appropriation (italic figures)—2017-2018 Departmental Administered Total $'000 $'000 $'000 FAIR WORK COMMISSION Outcome 1 - Simple, fair and flexible workplace relations for 78,961 - 78,961 employees and employers through the exercise 76,419 - 76,419 of powers to set and vary minimum wages and modern awards, facilitate collective bargaining, approve agreements and deal with disputes Total: Fair Work Commission 78,961 - 78,961 76,419 - 76,419 No. , 2018 Appropriation Bill (No. 1) 2018-2019 121 Schedule 1 Services for which money is appropriated INDUSTRY AND BUSINESS PORTFOLIO Appropriation (plain figures)—2018-2019 Actual Available Appropriation (italic figures)—2017-2018 Departmental Administered Total $'000 $'000 $'000 FAIR WORK OMBUDSMAN AND REGISTERED ORGANISATIONS COMMISSION ENTITY Outcome 1 - Compliance with workplace relations legislation 120,092 - 120,092 by employees and employers through advice, 115,747 - 116,226 education and where necessary enforcement Outcome 2 - Effective governance and financial transparency 9,041 - 9,041 of registered employee and employer 8,750 - 8,750 organisations, through regulation, investigation and appropriate enforcement action Total: Fair Work Ombudsman and Registered 129,133 - 129,133 Organisations Commission Entity 124,976 - 124,976 122 Appropriation Bill (No. 1) 2018-2019 No. , 2018 Services for which money is appropriated Schedule 1 INDUSTRY AND BUSINESS PORTFOLIO Appropriation (plain figures)—2018-2019 Actual Available Appropriation (italic figures)—2017-2018 Departmental Administered Total $'000 $'000 $'000 SAFE WORK AUSTRALIA Outcome 1 - Healthier, safer and more productive workplaces 10,666 - 10,666 through improvements to Australian work health 10,323 - 10,323 and safety and workers' compensation arrangements Total: Safe Work Australia 10,666 - 10,666 10,323 - 10,323 No. , 2018 Appropriation Bill (No. 1) 2018-2019 123 Schedule 1 Services for which money is appropriated INDUSTRY AND BUSINESS PORTFOLIO Appropriation (plain figures)—2018-2019 Actual Available Appropriation (italic figures)—2017-2018 Administered $'000 TOURISM AUSTRALIA Outcome 1 - Grow demand and foster a competitive and 136,895 sustainable Australian tourism industry through 132,488 partnership marketing to targeted global consumers in key markets Total: Tourism Australia 136,895 132,488 124 Appropriation Bill (No. 1) 2018-2019 No. , 2018 Services for which money is appropriated Schedule 1 PRIME MINISTER AND CABINET PORTFOLIO SUMMARY Summary of Appropriations (plain figures)—2018-2019 Actual Available Appropriation (italic figures)—2017-2018 Entity Departmental Administered Total $'000 $'000 $'000 Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet 420,800 1,280,287 1,701,087 412,954 1,256,415 1,669,369 Australian National Audit Office 71,636 - 71,636 70,300 - 70,300 Australian Public Service Commission 22,122 - 22,122 21,710 - 21,710 Digital Transformation Agency 117,548 - 117,548 115,356 - 115,356 Office of the Commonwealth Ombudsman 36,730 - 36,730 36,045 - 36,045 Office of the Inspector-General of Intelligence and 10,105 - 10,105 Security 9,917 - 9,917 Office of National Assessments 59,091 - 59,091 57,989 - 57,989 Office of the Official Secretary to the Governor- 12,869 4,311 17,180 General 12,629 4,231 16,860 Total: Prime Minister and Cabinet 829,108 1,284,598 2,113,706 736,900 1,260,646 1,997,546 No. , 2018 Appropriation Bill (No. 1) 2018-2019 125 Schedule 1 Services for which money is appropriated PRIME MINISTER AND CABINET PORTFOLIO Appropriation (plain figures)—2018-2019 Actual Available Appropriation (italic figures)—2017-2018 Departmental Administered Total $'000 $'000 $'000 DEPARTMENT OF THE PRIME MINISTER AND CABINET Outcome 1 - Provide high quality policy advice and support to 140,987 16,267 157,254 the Prime Minister, the Cabinet, Portfolio 138,358 15,964 154,322 Ministers and Assistant Ministers including through the coordination of government activities, policy development and program delivery Outcome 2 - Improve results for Indigenous Australians 279,813 1,264,020 1,543,833 including in relation to school attendance, 274,596 1,240,451 1,515,047 employment and community safety, through delivering services and programmes, and through measures that recognise the special place that Indigenous people hold in this Nation Total: Department of the Prime Minister and 420,800 1,280,287 1,701,087 Cabinet 412,954 1,256,415 1,669,369 126 Appropriation Bill (No. 1) 2018-2019 No. , 2018 Services for which money is appropriated Schedule 1 PRIME MINISTER AND CABINET PORTFOLIO Appropriation (plain figures)—2018-2019 Actual Available Appropriation (italic figures)—2017-2018 Departmental Administered Total $'000 $'000 $'000 AUSTRALIAN NATIONAL AUDIT OFFICE Outcome 1 - To improve public sector performance and 71,636 - 71,636 accountability through independent reporting on 70,300 - 70,300 Australian Government administration to Parliament, the Executive and the public Total: Australian National Audit Office 71,636 - 71,636 70,300 - 70,300 No. , 2018 Appropriation Bill (No. 1) 2018-2019 127 Schedule 1 Services for which money is appropriated PRIME MINISTER AND CABINET PORTFOLIO Appropriation (plain figures)—2018-2019 Actual Available Appropriation (italic figures)—2017-2018 Departmental Administered Total $'000 $'000 $'000 AUSTRALIAN PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION Outcome 1 - Increased awareness and adoption of best 22,122 - 22,122 practice public administration by the public 21,710 - 21,710 service through leadership, promotion, advice and professional development, drawing on research and evaluation Total: Australian Public Service Commission 22,122 - 22,122 21,710 - 21,710 128 Appropriation Bill (No. 1) 2018-2019 No. , 2018 Services for which money is appropriated Schedule 1 PRIME MINISTER AND CABINET PORTFOLIO Appropriation (plain figures)—2018-2019 Actual Available Appropriation (italic figures)—2017-2018 Departmental Administered Total $'000 $'000 $'000 DIGITAL TRANSFORMATION AGENCY Outcome 1 - Improve the user experience for all Australians 117,545 - 117,545 accessing government information and services 115,356 - 115,356 by leading the design, development and continual enhancement of whole-of-government service delivery policies and standards, platforms and joined-up services Total: Digital Transformation Agency 117,545 - 117,545 115,356 - 115,356 No. , 2018 Appropriation Bill (No. 1) 2018-2019 129 Schedule 1 Services for which money is appropriated PRIME MINISTER AND CABINET PORTFOLIO Appropriation (plain figures)—2018-2019 Actual Available Appropriation (italic figures)—2017-2018 Departmental Administered Total $'000 $'000 $'000 OFFICE OF THE COMMONWEALTH OMBUDSMAN Outcome 1 - Fair and accountable administrative action by 36,730 - 36,730 Australian Government entities and prescribed 36,045 - 36,045 private sector organisations, by investigating complaints, reviewing administrative action and statutory compliance inspections and reporting Total: Office of the Commonwealth 36,730 - 36,730 Ombudsman 36,045 - 36,045 130 Appropriation Bill (No. 1) 2018-2019 No. , 2018 Services for which money is appropriated Schedule 1 PRIME MINISTER AND CABINET PORTFOLIO Appropriation (plain figures)—2018-2019 Actual Available Appropriation (italic figures)—2017-2018 Departmental Administered Total $'000 $'000 $'000 OFFICE OF THE INSPECTOR-GENERAL OF INTELLIGENCE AND SECURITY Outcome 1 - Independent assurance for the Prime Minister, 10,105 - 10,105 senior ministers and Parliament as to whether 9,917 - 9,917 Australia's intelligence and security agencies act legally and with propriety by inspecting, inquiring into and reporting on their activities Total: Office of the Inspector-General of 10,105 - 10,105 Intelligence and Security 9,917 - 9,917 No. , 2018 Appropriation Bill (No. 1) 2018-2019 131 Schedule 1 Services for which money is appropriated PRIME MINISTER AND CABINET PORTFOLIO Appropriation (plain figures)—2018-2019 Actual Available Appropriation (italic figures)—2017-2018 Departmental Administered Total $'000 $'000 $'000 OFFICE OF NATIONAL ASSESSMENTS Outcome 1 - Advancement of Australia's national interests 59,091 - 59,091 through increased government awareness of 57,989 - 57,989 international developments affecting Australia, and integration, coordination and evaluation of Australia's national intelligence capabilities Total: Office of National Assessments 59,091 - 59,091 57,989 - 57,989 132 Appropriation Bill (No. 1) 2018-2019 No. , 2018 Services for which money is appropriated Schedule 1 PRIME MINISTER AND CABINET PORTFOLIO Appropriation (plain figures)—2018-2019 Actual Available Appropriation (italic figures)—2017-2018 Departmental Administered Total $'000 $'000 $'000 OFFICE OF THE OFFICIAL SECRETARY TO THE GOVERNOR-GENERAL Outcome 1 - The performance of the Governor-General's role 12,869 4,311 17,180 is facilitated through organisation and 12,629 4,231 16,860 management of official duties, management and maintenance of the official household and property and administration of the Australian Honours and Awards system Total: Office of the Official Secretary to the 12,869 4,311 17,180 Governor-General 12,629 4,231 16,860 No. , 2018 Appropriation Bill (No. 1) 2018-2019 133 Schedule 1 Services for which money is appropriated SOCIAL SERVICES PORTFOLIO SUMMARY Summary of Appropriations (plain figures)—2018-2019 Actual Available Appropriation (italic figures)—2017-2018 Entity Departmental Administered Total $'000 $'000 $'000 Department of Social Services 5,004,786 8,409,733 13,414,519 4,843,657 8,138,982 12,982,639 Payments to corporate entities: National Disability Insurance Scheme Launch 1,526,830 1,526,830 Transition Agency 1,477,674 1,477,674 Australian Institute of Family Studies 4,754 - 4,754 4,601 - 4,601 NDIS Quality and Safeguards Commission 35,433 - 35,433 34,772 - 34,772 Total: Social Services 5,044,973 9,936,563 14,981,536 4,883,030 9,615,061 14,499,686 134 Appropriation Bill (No. 1) 2018-2019 No. , 2018 Services for which money is appropriated Schedule 1 SOCIAL SERVICES PORTFOLIO Appropriation (plain figures)—2018-2019 Actual Available Appropriation (italic figures)—2017-2018 Departmental Administered Total $'000 $'000 $'000 DEPARTMENT OF SOCIAL SERVICES Outcome 1 - Encourage self-reliance and support people who 161,172 77,499 238,671 cannot fully support themselves by providing 155,983 75,004 230,987 sustainable social security payments and assistance Outcome 2 - Contribute to stronger and more resilient 260,874 1,166,534 1,427,408 individuals, families and communities by 252,475 1,128,978 1,381,453 providing targeted services and initiatives Outcome 3 - Improved independence of, and participation by, 166,070 11,417,621 11,583,691 people with disability, including improved support 160,722 11,050,031 11,210,754 for carers, by providing targeted support and services Outcome 4 - Increased housing supply, improved community 30,107 134,642 164,749 housing and assisting individuals experiencing 29,138 130,307 159,445 homelessness through targeted support and services Total: Department of Social Services 5,004,786 8,409,733 13,414,519 4,843,657 8,138,982 12,982,639 No. , 2018 Appropriation Bill (No. 1) 2018-2019 135 Schedule 1 Services for which money is appropriated SOCIAL SERVICES PORTFOLIO Appropriation (plain figures)—2018-2019 Actual Available Appropriation (italic figures)—2017-2018 Administered $'000 DEPARTMENT OF SOCIAL SERVICES FOR PAYMENT TO NATIONAL DISABILITY INSURANCE SCHEME LAUNCH TRANSITION AGENCY Outcome 1 - To implement a National Disability Insurance 1,526,830 Scheme that provides individual control and 1,477,674 choice in the delivery of reasonable and necessary supports to improve independence, social and economic participation of eligible people with disability, their families and carers, and associated referral services and activities Total: National Disability Insurance Scheme 1,526,830 Launch Transition Agency 1,477,674 136 Appropriation Bill (No. 1) 2018-2019 No. , 2018 Services for which money is appropriated Schedule 1 SOCIAL SERVICES PORTFOLIO Appropriation (plain figures)—2018-2019 Actual Available Appropriation (italic figures)—2017-2018 Departmental Administered Total $'000 $'000 $'000 AUSTRALIAN INSTITUTE OF FAMILY STUDIES Outcome 1 - Increased understanding of factors affecting how 4,754 - 4,754 families function by conducting research and 4,601 - 4,601 communicating findings to policy makers, service providers, and the broader community Total: Australian Institute of Family Studies 4,754 - 4,754 4,601 - 4,601 No. , 2018 Appropriation Bill (No. 1) 2018-2019 137 Schedule 1 Services for which money is appropriated SOCIAL SERVICES PORTFOLIO Appropriation (plain figures)—2018-2019 Actual Available Appropriation (italic figures)—2017-2018 Departmental Administered Total $'000 $'000 $'000 NDIS QUALITY AND SAFEGUARDS COMMISSION Outcome 1 - Promote the delivery of quality supports and 35,433 - 35,433 services to people with disability under the NDIS 34,772 - 34,772 and other prescribed supports and services, including through nationally consistent and responsive regulation, policy development, advice and education Total: NDIS Quality and Safeguards 35,433 - 35,433 Commission 34,772 - 34,772 138 Appropriation Bill (No. 1) 2018-2019 No. , 2018 Services for which money is appropriated Schedule 1 TREASURY PORTFOLIO SUMMARY Summary of Appropriations (plain figures)—2018-2019 Actual Available Appropriation (italic figures)—2017-2018 Entity Departmental Administered Total $'000 $'000 $'000 Department of the Treasury 197,707 56,935 254,642 194,255 55,941 250,196 Australian Bureau of Statistics 355,253 - 355,253 349,050 - 349,050 Australian Competition and Consumer 215,818 - 215,818 Commission 212,517 - 212,517 Australian Office of Financial Management 11,703 - 11,703 11,499 - 11,499 Australian Prudential Regulation Authority 128 - 128 126 - 126 Australian Securities and Investments Commission 373,291 18,969 392,260 366,773 18,638 385,411 Australian Taxation Office 3,425,384 6,291 3,431,675 3,365,578 6,181 3,371,759 Commonwealth Grants Commission 6,237 - 6,237 6,128 - 6,128 Inspector General of Taxation 6,596 - 6,596 6,481 - 6,481 National Competition Council 2,025 - 2,025 1,990 - 1,990 Office of the Auditing and Assurance Standards 2,155 - 2,155 Board 2,117 - 2,117 Office of the Australian Accounting Standards 3,660 - 3,660 Board 3,597 - 3,597 Productivity Commission 34,978 - 34,978 34,367 - 34,367 Total: Treasury 4,634,935 82,195 4,717,130 4,554,478 80,760 4,635,238 No. , 2018 Appropriation Bill (No. 1) 2018-2019 139 Schedule 1 Services for which money is appropriated TREASURY PORTFOLIO Appropriation (plain figures)—2018-2019 Actual Available Appropriation (italic figures)—2017-2018 Departmental Administered Total $'000 $'000 $'000 DEPARTMENT OF THE TREASURY Outcome 1 - Supporting and implementing informed decisions 197,707 56,935 254,642 on policies for the good of the Australian people, 194,255 55,941 250,196 including for achieving strong, sustainable economic growth, through the provision of advice to Treasury Ministers and the efficient administration of Treasury’s functions Total: Department of the Treasury 197,707 56,935 254,642 194,255 55,941 250,196 140 Appropriation Bill (No. 1) 2018-2019 No. , 2018 Services for which money is appropriated Schedule 1 TREASURY PORTFOLIO Appropriation (plain figures)—2018-2019 Actual Available Appropriation (italic figures)—2017-2018 Departmental Administered Total $'000 $'000 $'000 AUSTRALIAN BUREAU OF STATISTICS Outcome 1 - Decisions on important matters made by 355,253 - 355,253 governments, business and the broader 349,050 - 349,050 community are informed by objective, relevant and trusted official statistics produced through the collection and integration of data, its analysis, and the provision of statistical information Total: Australian Bureau of Statistics 355,253 - 355,253 349,050 - 349,050 No. , 2018 Appropriation Bill (No. 1) 2018-2019 141 Schedule 1 Services for which money is appropriated TREASURY PORTFOLIO Appropriation (plain figures)—2018-2019 Actual Available Appropriation (italic figures)—2017-2018 Departmental Administered Total $'000 $'000 $'000 AUSTRALIAN COMPETITION AND CONSUMER COMMISSION Outcome 1 - Lawful competition, consumer protection, and 215,818 - 215,818 regulated national infrastructure markets and 212,517 - 212,517 services through regulation, including enforcement, education, price monitoring and determining the terms of access to infrastructure services Total: Australian Competition and Consumer 215,818 - 215,818 Commission 212,517 - 212,517 142 Appropriation Bill (No. 1) 2018-2019 No. , 2018 Services for which money is appropriated Schedule 1 TREASURY PORTFOLIO Appropriation (plain figures)—2018-2019 Actual Available Appropriation (italic figures)—2017-2018 Departmental Administered Total $'000 $'000 $'000 AUSTRALIAN OFFICE OF FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT Outcome 1 - The advancement of macroeconomic growth and 11,703 - 11,703 stability, and the effective operation of financial 11,499 - 11,499 markets, through issuing debt, investing in financial assets and managing debt, investments and cash for the Australian Government Total: Australian Office of Financial 11,703 - 11,703 Management 11,499 - 11,499 No. , 2018 Appropriation Bill (No. 1) 2018-2019 143 Schedule 1 Services for which money is appropriated TREASURY PORTFOLIO Appropriation (plain figures)—2018-2019 Actual Available Appropriation (italic figures)—2017-2018 Departmental Administered Total $'000 $'000 $'000 AUSTRALIAN PRUDENTIAL REGULATION AUTHORITY Outcome 1 - Enhanced public confidence in Australia's 128 - 128 financial institutions through a framework of 126 - 126 prudential regulation which balances financial safety and efficiency, competition, contestability and competitive neutrality and, in balancing these objectives, promotes financial system stability in Australia Total: Australian Prudential Regulation 128 - 128 Authority 126 - 126 144 Appropriation Bill (No. 1) 2018-2019 No. , 2018 Services for which money is appropriated Schedule 1 TREASURY PORTFOLIO Appropriation (plain figures)—2018-2019 Actual Available Appropriation (italic figures)—2017-2018 Departmental Administered Total $'000 $'000 $'000 AUSTRALIAN SECURITIES AND INVESTMENTS COMMISSION Outcome 1 - Improved confidence in Australia's financial 373,291 18,969 292,260 markets through promoting informed investors 366,773 18,638 385,411 and financial consumers, facilitating fair and efficient markets and delivering efficient registry systems Total: Australian Securities and Investments 373,291 18,969 392,260 Commission 366,773 18,638 385,411 No. , 2018 Appropriation Bill (No. 1) 2018-2019 145 Schedule 1 Services for which money is appropriated TREASURY PORTFOLIO Appropriation (plain figures)—2018-2019 Actual Available Appropriation (italic figures)—2017-2018 Departmental Administered Total $'000 $'000 $'000 AUSTRALIAN TAXATION OFFICE Outcome 1 - Confidence in the administration of aspects of 3,425,384 6,291 3,431,675 Australia's taxation and superannuation systems 3,365,578 6,181 3,371,759 through helping people understand their rights and obligations, improving ease of compliance and access to benefits, and managing non- compliance with the law Total: Australian Taxation Office 3,425,384 6,291 3,431,675 3,365,578 6,181 3,371,759 146 Appropriation Bill (No. 1) 2018-2019 No. , 2018 Services for which money is appropriated Schedule 1 TREASURY PORTFOLIO Appropriation (plain figures)—2018-2019 Actual Available Appropriation (italic figures)—2017-2018 Departmental Administered Total $'000 $'000 $'000 COMMONWEALTH GRANTS COMMISSION Outcome 1 - Informed Government decisions on fiscal 6,237 - 6,237 equalisation between the States and Territories 6,128 - 6,128 through advice and recommendations on the distribution of GST revenue Total: Commonwealth Grants Commission 6,237 - 6,237 6,128 - 6,128 No. , 2018 Appropriation Bill (No. 1) 2018-2019 147 Schedule 1 Services for which money is appropriated TREASURY PORTFOLIO Appropriation (plain figures)—2018-2019 Actual Available Appropriation (italic figures)—2017-2018 Departmental Administered Total $'000 $'000 $'000 INSPECTOR GENERAL OF TAXATION Outcome 1 - Improved tax administration through 6,596 - 6,596 investigation of complaints, conducting reviews, 6,481 - 6,481 public reporting and independent advice to Government and its relevant entities Total: Inspector General of Taxation 6,596 - 6,596 6,481 - 6,481 148 Appropriation Bill (No. 1) 2018-2019 No. , 2018 Services for which money is appropriated Schedule 1 TREASURY PORTFOLIO Appropriation (plain figures)—2018-2019 Actual Available Appropriation (italic figures)—2017-2018 Departmental Administered Total $'000 $'000 $'000 NATIONAL COMPETITION COUNCIL Outcome 1 - Competition in markets that are dependent on 2,025 - 2,025 access to nationally significant monopoly 1,990 - 1,990 infrastructure, through recommendations and decisions promoting the efficient operation of, use of and investment in infrastructure Total: National Competition Council 2,025 - 2,025 1,990 - 1,990 No. , 2018 Appropriation Bill (No. 1) 2018-2019 149 Schedule 1 Services for which money is appropriated TREASURY PORTFOLIO Appropriation (plain figures)—2018-2019 Actual Available Appropriation (italic figures)—2017-2018 Departmental Administered Total $'000 $'000 $'000 OFFICE OF THE AUDITING AND ASSURANCE STANDARDS BOARD Outcome 1 - The formulation and making of auditing and 2,155 - 2,155 assurance standards that are used by auditors of 2,117 - 2,117 Australian entity financial reports or for other auditing and assurance engagements Total: Office of the Auditing and Assurance 2,155 - 2,155 Standards Board 2,117 - 2,117 150 Appropriation Bill (No. 1) 2018-2019 No. , 2018 Services for which money is appropriated Schedule 1 TREASURY PORTFOLIO Appropriation (plain figures)—2018-2019 Actual Available Appropriation (italic figures)—2017-2018 Departmental Administered Total $'000 $'000 $'000 OFFICE OF THE AUSTRALIAN ACCOUNTING STANDARDS BOARD Outcome 1 - The formulation and making of accounting 3,661 - 3,661 standards that are used by Australian entities to 3,597 - 3,597 prepare financial reports and enable users of these reports to make informed decisions Total: Office of the Australian Accounting 3,661 - 3,661 Standards Board 3,597 - 3,597 No. , 2018 Appropriation Bill (No. 1) 2018-2019 151 Schedule 1 Services for which money is appropriated TREASURY PORTFOLIO Appropriation (plain figures)—2018-2019 Actual Available Appropriation (italic figures)—2017-2018 Departmental Administered Total $'000 $'000 $'000 PRODUCTIVITY COMMISSION Outcome 1 - Well-informed policy decision-making and public 34,660 - 34,660 understanding on matters relating to Australia's 34,367 - 34,367 productivity and living standards, based on independent and transparent analysis from a community-wide perspective Total: Productivity Commission 34,660 - 34,660 34,367 - 34,367 152 Appropriation Bill (No. 1) 2018-2019 No. , 2018