Electoral Modifiers (No. 1) Regulations 2018

Instrument No. 1 of 2018. Made under the Electoral Modifiers Act 2018. Made by /u/RunasSudo. Made 2018-04-02. Repealed by Electoral Modifiers (No. 2) Regulations 2018.

Electoral Modifiers (No. 1) Regulations 2018

                     ELECTORAL MODIFIERS (NO. 1) REGULATIONS 2018

PART 1 — PRELIMINARY....................................................................................................1
   1      Name...........................................................................................................................1
   2      Authority......................................................................................................................1
   3      Commencement..........................................................................................................1
   4      Interpretation...............................................................................................................1
PART 2 — ELECTION MODIFIERS......................................................................................1
DIVISION 1 — MODIFIERS.........................................................................................................1
   5      Individual election modifiers........................................................................................1
   6      Party election modifiers...............................................................................................2
   7      Defaults.......................................................................................................................2
   8      Modifiers not retrospective..........................................................................................2
DIVISION 2 — SCORING OF MODIFIERS.....................................................................................2
   9 Electoral Commissioner's rulings................................................................................2
   10 Review of ruling..........................................................................................................3
DIVISION 3 — CALCULATING OVERALL SCORES........................................................................3
   11     Candidate totals..........................................................................................................3
   12     Party totals..................................................................................................................3
   13     Candidate overall scores............................................................................................3
   14     Percentiles..................................................................................................................4
PART 3 — SIMULATED VOTERS........................................................................................4
   15 Number of simulated voters........................................................................................4
   16 How votes cast by simulated voters...........................................................................4

Made by Electoral Commissioner /u/RunasSudo on xx Mth 20xx                                                                               i
Electoral Modifiers (No. 1) Regulations 2018

                                               PART 1 — PRELIMINARY

1      Name
       This instrument is the Electoral Modifiers (No. 1) Regulations 2018.

2      Authority
       This instrument is made under section 4 of the Electoral Modifiers Act 2018.

3      Commencement
       This instrument commences on the day after it is approved by both Houses of

4      Interpretation
       In this instrument, unless the contrary intention appears, all words and expressions
       have the same meaning as they have in the Electoral Modifiers Act 2018 (the Act).

                                      PART 2 — ELECTION MODIFIERS

                                               Division 1 — Modifiers

5      Individual election modifiers
       For the purposes of section 7(1) of the Act, the election modifiers for individual
       candidates are shown in the table below—

        Individual election modifiers
        Column 1                                                              Column 2
        Modifier                                                              Weight
        1. Number of bills introduced by the candidate of reasonable effort   15%
        2. Number of bills introduced by the candidate of reasonable effort   5%
           which pass at least one House
        3. Number of bills introduced by the candidate of reasonable effort   5%
           which pass both Houses
        4. Number of instances of Question Time where the candidate asked a 5%
           question of reasonable effort
        5. Number of votes in Parliament where a vote was cast by the         15%
           candidate (whether for, against, or abstaining)
        6. Number of statements made in debate in Parliament (where as an     20%
           MP/Senator or as a member of the public) of reasonable effort
        7. Number of days where the candidate made a top-level post on        35%
           Reddit of a campaigning nature of reasonable effort

Made by Electoral Commissioner /u/RunasSudo on xx Mth 20xx                                    1
Electoral Modifiers (No. 1) Regulations 2018

6      Party election modifiers
       For the purposes of section 7(1) of the Act, the election modifiers for individual
       parties are shown in the table below—

        Party election modifiers
        Column 1                                                                     Column 2
        Modifier                                                                     Weight
        1. Number of bills introduced by MPs and Senators from that party of         15%
           reasonable effort
        2. Number of bills introduced by MPs and Senators from that party of         5%
           reasonable effort which pass at least one House
        3. Number of bills introduced by MPs and Senators from that party of         5%
           reasonable effort which pass both Houses
        4. Number of cabinet measures introduced by that party of reasonable         25%
        5. Number of days where the party made a top-level post on Reddit of         50%
           a campaigning nature of reasonable effort

7      Defaults
       In determining the score in a modifier under this Part in relation to a candidate or
       party, if that modifier does not apply to the candidate or party, the score in that
       modifier in relation to that candidate or party is the 35th percentile of the scores of
       the other candidates or parties in that modifier.
       Example: A modifier relating to participation in Parliament does apply to a candidate who was not a
       Member of Parliament during the time that the modifier applied.

8      Modifiers not retrospective
       In accordance with section 8 of the Act, the electoral modifiers in this instrument do
       not apply to activity undertaken or things done prior to that modifier becoming a

                                      Division 2 — Scoring of modifiers

9      Electoral Commissioner's rulings
       (1)     The Electoral Commissioner has discretion in determining whether an action
               taken or thing done which is covered by this Part contributes to an electoral
               Example: The Electoral Commissioner has discretion in determining whether an action taken or
               thing done is of ‘reasonable effort’.
       (2)     The Electoral Commissioner must publish, in real time, a list of all actions taken
               and things done which has been determined to contribute to the electoral
               modifiers in this Part.

Made by Electoral Commissioner /u/RunasSudo on xx Mth 20xx                                                   2
Electoral Modifiers (No. 1) Regulations 2018

10     Review of ruling
       (1)     If, under regulation 9(1), the Electoral Commissioner does not determine that a
               particular action taken or thing done by a candidate or party should contribute to
               an electoral modifier, that candidate or party may request that the Electoral
               Commissioner review that determination.
       (2)     The Electoral Commissioner must then consider the request and decide
               whether to—
               (a)     uphold the determination under review; or
               (b)     vary the determination under review.
       (3)     If the Electoral Commissioner errs in upholding the determination under review,
               and that error substantially disadvantages the candidate or party with respect to
               the outcome of the election, that candidate or party may petition the Court of
               Disputed Returns under Part XXII of the Commonwealth Electoral Act 1918.
       (4)     Except as provided by subregulation (3), the decision of the Electoral
               Commissioner under subregulation (2) is final.

                                 Division 3 — Calculating overall scores

11     Candidate totals
       (1)     At the close of polls, the Electoral Commissioner must, for each candidate
               modifier, rank each candidate and calculate the percentile value for that
               candidate in that modifier.
       (2)     The Electoral Commissioner must then calculate the candidate total for each
               candidate by multiplying each percentile value for that candidate in each
               candidate modifier by the weight of that candidate modifier, and summing the

12     Party totals
       (1)     At the close of polls, the Electoral Commissioner must, for each party modifier,
               rank each party and calculate the percentile value for that party in that modifier.
       (2)     The Electoral Commissioner must then calculate the party total for each party
               by multiplying each percentile value for that party in each party modifier by the
               weight of that party modifier, and summing the results.

13     Candidate overall scores
       For each candidate, the Electoral Commissioner must, after complying with
       regulations 11 and 12, calculate the overall score for that candidate by summing—
       (1)     the candidate total; and
       (2)     the party total for the party to which the candidate belongs, or, if the candidate is
               an independent candidate, the greater of—
               (a)     the average party total for all parties; and

Made by Electoral Commissioner /u/RunasSudo on xx Mth 20xx                                           3
Electoral Modifiers (No. 1) Regulations 2018

               (b)     the party total that would have applied had the candidate been the sole
                       member of a party.

14     Percentiles
       (1)     In determining percentile values under this Division, all candidates or parties, as
               the case may be, are ranked in the same list, irrespective of which House of
               Parliament, and which Division in a House of Parliament, they are contesting.
       (2)     The percentile value is to be determined using linear interpolation.

                                       PART 3 — SIMULATED VOTERS

15     Number of simulated voters
       For the purposes of section 6 of the Act, each Division in the House of
       Representatives has simulated voters numbering one-quarter the number of non-
       simulated voters, rounded down.

16     How votes cast by simulated voters
       (1)     In an election (whether for the House of Representatives or the Senate),
               simulated voters allocate their first-preference vote at random to one of the
               contesting candidates, weighted by the overall scores of those candidates.
       (2)     The simulated voters then allocate their second-preference votes, third-
               preference votes and so on until all preferences have been allocated.

Made by Electoral Commissioner /u/RunasSudo on xx Mth 20xx                                       4

Repealed by