Electoral Modifiers Act 2018

Act No. 4 of 2018. Introduced by /u/ForzaAustralia. Assented to 2018-03-21. Repealed by Legislation Clean-up (Omnibus) Amendment Act 2019.


The Parliament of the
Commonwealth of AustraliaSim


As Amended

Electoral Modifers Bill 2018
No. 1, 2018
(Drafted by RunasSudo)
(Introduced by ForzaAustralia)

A Bill for an Act to provide for electoral modifers,
and for related purposes
       Part 1—Preliminary ......................................................................................................... 1
                1 Short title ..................................................................................................... 1
                2 Commencement ........................................................................................... 1
                3 Supremacy of Act ......................................................................................... 1
                4 Regulations ................................................................................................... 2
                5 Regulations must be tabled before parliament............................................ 2
       Part 2—Electoral modifers .............................................................................................. 2
                6 Simulated voters .......................................................................................... 2
                7 Election modifers ......................................................................................... 3
                8 Regulations not to be applied retrospectively ............................................. 4

No.   , Electoral Modifers Bill 2018 2018
A Bill for an Act to provide for electoral modifers,
and for related purposes
The Parliament of Australia enacts:

Part 1—Preliminary
1 Short title
             This Act is the Electoral Modifers Act 2018.

2 Commencement
        (1) Each provision of this Act specifed in column 1 of the table
            commences, or is taken to have commenced, in accordance with
            column 2 of the table. Any other statement in column 2 has efect
            according to its terms.

 Commencement information
Column 1             Column 2                                          Column 3

Provisions           Commencement                                      Date/Details

 1. The whole of        The day after this Act receives the Royal
 this ActAssent.
             Note:    This table relates only to the provisions of this Act as originally
                      enacted. It will not be amended to deal with any later amendments
                      of this Act.

        (2) Any information in column 3 of the table is not part of this Act.
            Information may be inserted in this column, or information in it
            may be edited, in any published version of this Act.

3 Supremacy of Act
             Despite anything to the contrary in this or any other Act, if a
             provision of another Act is inconsistent with a provision of this

No. ,                         Electoral Modifers Bill 2018                                  1
            Act, the latter takes precedence, and the former shall, to the
            extent of the inconsistency, be without force or efect.
4 Regulations
            The Electoral Commissioner may make regulations not
            inconsistent with this Act prescribing any matter permitted or
            required by this Act to be prescribed by regulation.

5 Regulations must be tabled before parliament
            A regulation made under section 4 does not come into effect until
            it has been approved by resolution by each House of the

Part 2—Electoral modifers
6 Simulated voters
        (1) For the purpose of electing members to the House of
            Representatives and to the Senate, each Division in the House of
            Representatives is to contain, in addition to the voters registered
            in that Division under the Commonwealth Electoral Act 1918, a
            number of simulated voters, provided that the number of
            simulated voters in each Division does not exceed 50% of the
            total number of voters in that Division.

        (2) The simulated voters are to vote in the corresponding House of
            Representatives and Senate elections in accordance with this Act.

        (3) The Electoral Commission must, by regulation, determine the
            number of simulated voters in each Division of the House of

No. ,                        Electoral Modifers Bill 2018                         2
7 Election modifers
        (1) The Electoral Commission must, by regulation, determine a list of
            election modifers to apply in an election, and determine how
            those election modifers are to be scored.
            Example: An election modifer could be voting turnout in the previous
                      parliamentary term, or activity in campaigning.

        (2) Election modifers—
              (a) must be impartial and objective; and
              (b) must not be based on ideology or prejudice; and
              (c) must not penalise any activity undertaken lawfully and in
                  good faith, irrespective of the nature or content of that

        (3) Election modifers may be applied at the level of—
              (a) individual candidates; and
              (b) the political parties to which those candidates belong; and
              (c) the coalitions to which those political parties belong; and (d)
                   any other level prescribed by regulation.

        (4) The Election Commission must, by regulation, determine how the
            scores in each level in subsection (3) are translated into the
            overall scores of the individual candidates.

        (5) The votes cast by simulated voters in an election must be based
            on the overall scores of the individual candidates in the election
        (6) The Election Commission must, by regulation, determine how the
            scores of the candidates in the election modifers are translated
            into the votes cast by the simulated voters in subsection (4).

No. ,                          Electoral Modifers Bill 2018                        3
8 Regulations not to be applied retrospectively
        (1) The Electoral Commissioner must not make regulations that cause
            activity undertaken or things done prior to the making of the
            regulation, which were not the subject of an electoral modifier
            prior to the making of the regulation, to be the subject of
            electoral modifiers.

No. ,                      Electoral Modifers Bill 2018                   4

Repealed by