Legislation Clean-up (Omnibus) Amendment Act 2019

Act No. 5 of 2019. Introduced by /u/PineappleCrusher_. Assented to 2019-02-08.


The Parliament of the
Commonwealth of Australia


Presented and read a first time

Legislation Clean-up (Omnibus)
Amendment Bill 2019
No.           , 2019

A Bill for an Act to clarify legislation in force, and
for other purposes
                1 Short title ...................................................................................................... 1
                2 Commencement ............................................................................................ 1
                3 Schedules...................................................................................................... 2

Schedule 1—Freedom of Speech Act 2017 and consequential amendments                                                                 3
         Freedom of Speech Act 2017                                                                                                3
         Racial Discrimination Act 1975                                                                                            3
Schedule 2— Marriage (Gender Equality) Amendment Act 2017 and
             consequential amendments                                                                                              4
         Marriage (Gender Equality) Amendment Act 2017                                                                             4
         Marriage Act 1961                                                                                                         4
                47A People not bound to host solemnising of marriage, etc............................ 4
                121 No voiding of non-heterosexual marriages ............................................... 5

Schedule 3— Gambling Advertising Restrictions Act 2017                                                                             6
         Gambling Advertising Restrictions Act 2017                                                                                6
Schedule 4— Net Neutrality Act 2018                                                                                                7
         Net Neutrality Act 2018                                                                                                   7
Schedule 5— Online Gambling Restriction Act 2018                                                                                   8
         Online Gambling Restriction Act 2018                                                                                      8
                1A Short Title .................................................................................................. 8

Schedule 6— Disability Building Standard Code Act 2018                                                                             9
         Disability Building Standard Code Act 2018                                                                                9
Schedule 7— Parliamentary Participation Requirement Act 2017 and
              consequential amendments                                                                                           10
         Parliamentary Participation Requirement Amendment (Better
         Debates) Act 2018                                                                                                       10
         Parliamentarian Participation Requirement Act 2017                                                                      10
Schedule 8— Code of Conduct Act 2017                                                                                             12
         Code of Conduct Act 2017                                                                                                12
Schedule 9— Electoral Modifiers Act 2018                                                                                         13
         Electoral Modifiers Act 2018                                                                                            13

 No.   , 2019                     Second_Draft_Cleanup_Bill_Extras (3).docx                                                              i
 1   A Bill for an Act to clarify legislation in force, and
 2   for other purposes
 3   The Parliament of Australia enacts:
 4   1 Short title
 5                   This Act is the Legislation Clean-up (Omnibus) Bill 2019.

 6   2 Commencement
 7           (1) Each provision of this Act specified in column 1 of the table
 8               commences, or is taken to have commenced, in accordance with
 9               column 2 of the table. Any other statement in column 2 has effect
10               according to its terms.

      No.   , 2019              Second_Draft_Cleanup_Bill_Extras (3).docx        1
      Commencement information
      Column 1               Column 2                                           Column 3
      Provisions             Commencement                                       Date/Details
      1. The whole of        The day this Act receives the Royal Assent.
      this act
 1                  Note:    This table relates only to the provisions of this Act as originally
 2                           enacted. It will not be amended to deal with any later amendments of
 3                           this Act.

 4          (2) Any information in column 3 of the table is not part of this Act.
 5              Information may be inserted in this column, or information in it
 6              may be edited, in any published version of this Act.

 7   3 Schedules
 8                  Legislation that is specified in a Schedule to this Act is amended or
 9                  repealed as set out in the applicable items in the Schedule
10                  concerned, and any other item in a Schedule to this Act has effect
11                  according to its terms.

     No.   , 2019                  Legislation Clean-up (Omnibus) Bill 2019                         2
                    Freedom of Speech Act 2017 and consequential amendments Schedule 1

 1   Schedule 1—Freedom of Speech Act 2017 and
 2         consequential amendments

 4   Freedom of Speech Act 2017
 5   1 The whole act
 6         Repeal the act.

 7   Racial Discrimination Act 1975
 8   2 Section 18C
 9         Repeal the section.

10   3 Section 18D
11         Repeal the section.

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            Marriage (Gender Equality) Amendment Act 2017 and consequential amendments
                                                                             Schedule 2

 1   Schedule 2— Marriage (Gender Equality)
 2         Amendment Act 2017 and
 3         consequential amendments

 5   Marriage (Gender Equality) Amendment Act 2017
 6   4 The whole act
 7            Repeal the act.

 8   Marriage Act 1961
 9   5 Subsection 5(1) (definition of marriage)
10            Omit “a man and a woman”, substitute “two people”.

11   6 Paragraph 23(2)(b)
12            Omit “a brother and a sister”, substitute “siblings”.

13   7 Paragraph 23B(2)(b)
14            Omit “a brother and a sister”, substitute “siblings”.

15   8 Subsection 46(1)
16            Omit “a man and a woman”, substitute “two people”.

17   9 After Section 47
18            Insert:

19   47A People not bound to host solemnising of marriage, etc.
20            (1) A marriage celebrant is any person appointed by the Attorney-
21                General that can legally perform marriages under the Marriage Act
22                1961.
23            (2) A religious institution is an entity that has been registered as an
24                entity under the definition set out in Item 1.3 in Section 25.5 of the
25                Australian Charities and Not-for-profits Commission Act 2012.
26            (3) Nothing in this part imposes and obligation on anyone defined by
27                47A(1) or 47A(2), to host or enable the solemnising of any
28                marriage.

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           Marriage (Gender Equality) Amendment Act 2017 and consequential amendments
                                                                            Schedule 2

 1   10 Section 88EA
 2           Repeal the section.

 3   11 After Section 120
 4           Insert:

 5   121 No voiding of non-heterosexual marriages
 6           (1) A marriage that took place after the 18th June 2017 that was
 7               between two people, and was not between a man and a woman,
 8               done in accordance with the purported passage of the Marriage
 9               Amendment Act 2017, shall be taken to be valid.
10           (2) This section applies only if an issue under dispute is the fact that a
11               marriage allegedly took place between two people that was not
12               between a man and a woman between the 18th June 2017 and the
13               date of commencement of the Legislation Cleanup (Omnibus) Bill
14               2019.

15   12 Schedule Part III (table item 1)
16           Omit “a husband and a wife”, substitute “two people”.

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                              Gambling Advertising Restrictions Act 2017 Schedule 3

1   Schedule 3— Gambling Advertising
2         Restrictions Act 2017
3   Gambling Advertising Restrictions Act 2017
4   13 Section 7
5         Omit “they reasonably confirm that they are 18 years or older”,
6         substitute “the gambling service takes reasonable steps to establish that
7         the user is 18 years or older”.

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                                                   Net Neutrality Act 2018 Schedule 4

1   Schedule 4— Net Neutrality Act 2018
2   Net Neutrality Act 2018
3   14 Subsection 6(1)
4         Omit “when”, substitute “if the carriage service provider can
5         demonstrate that their actions that fall under section 5(1) were necessary
6         in the act of”.

7   15 Subsection 6(1)(d)
8         Omit “All reasonable steps have been taken by the provider”, substitute
9         “Taking reasonable steps”.

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                                      Online Gambling Restriction Act 2018 Schedule 5

 1   Schedule 5— Online Gambling Restriction Act
 2         2018
 3   Online Gambling Restriction Act 2018
 4   16 Before Section 1
 5         Insert:

 6   1A Short Title
 7         This Act may be cited as the Online Gambling Restriction Act 2018.

 8   17 Section 2
 9         Omit “The definitions in this Bill are”, substitute “In this Act, the
10         following definition are to apply”.

11   18 Sections 3 and 4
12         Omit “Bill”, substitute “Act”.

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                               Disability Building Standard Code Act 2018 Schedule 6

1   Schedule 6— Disability Building Standard
2         Code Act 2018
3   Disability Building Standard Code Act 2018
4   19 Section 4
5         After “1 in 7”, insert “in relation to rise and run respectively”.

6   20 Section 4
7         Omit “atleast”, substitute “at least”.

    No.   , 2019              Legislation Clean-up (Omnibus) Bill 2019                 9
           Parliamentary Participation Requirement Act 2017 and consequential amendments
                                                                               Schedule 7

 1   Schedule 7— Parliamentary Participation
 2         Requirement Act 2017 and
 3         consequential amendments
 4   Parliamentary Participation Requirement Amendment
 5           (Better Debates) Act 2018
 6   21 The whole act
 7           Repeal the act.

 8   Parliamentarian Participation Requirement Act 2017
 9   22 Section 3
10           Insert:
11                   Debate means to speak formally to a motion in the chamber. It
12                   does not include interjections.

13   23 Section 3 (definition of Official business)
14           Repeal the definition, substitute:
15                   Official business means any item before the chamber that requires
16                   a vote or allows for debate. It does not include the election of
17                   Chairperson.

18   24 Section 3 (definition of Vote)
19           After “any”, insert “relevant”.

20   25 Section 4 (first occurring)
21           Omit “by”, substitute “onto”.

22   26 Section 4 (second occuring)
23           Renumber as section 6.

24   27 Section 4 (second occurring)
25           Repeal the heading, substitute:

     No.    , 2019                 Legislation Clean-up (Omnibus) Bill 2019             10
            Parliamentary Participation Requirement Act 2017 and consequential amendments
                                                                                Schedule 7

 1   6 Expectations and procedures for suspected non-voting elected
 2             representatives etc.

 3   28 Subsection 6(1)
 4            Omit “vote on”, substitute “respond to”.

 5   29 After Subsection 6(3)
 6            Insert:
 7            (3A) An elected representative who has not been excused under (2),
 8                 who has failed to debate on at least one of the previous 3 bills and
 9                 more than five days have elapsed, must be referred to the Judiciary
10                 by the relevant Chair.

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                                               Code of Conduct Act 2017 Schedule 8

1   Schedule 8— Code of Conduct Act 2017
2   Code of Conduct Act 2017
3   30 The whole act
4         Repeal the act.

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                                             Electoral Modifiers Act 2018 Schedule 9

1   Schedule 9— Electoral Modifiers Act 2018
2   Electoral Modifiers Act 2018
3   31 The whole act
4         Repeal the act.


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Amended by