Parliamentary Participation Requirement Amendment (Better Debates) Act 2018

Act No. 21 of 2018. Introduced by /u/BloodyChrome. Assented to 2018-12-03. Repealed by Legislation Clean-up (Omnibus) Amendment Act 2019.



The Parliament of the
Commonwealth of Australia


Presented and read a first time

Parliamentary Participation Requirement Amendment (Better Debates) Bill 2018

A Bill for an Act to amend the Parliamentary Participation Requirement Act 2017


Part 1—Preliminary 1
1 Short title 1
2 Commencement 1
3 Objects 1

Part 2 1

4 Add 1

A Bill for to amend the Parliamentary Participation Requirement Act

The Parliament of Australia ameds:

Part 1—Preliminary

1 Short title
This Act is the Parliamentary Participation Requirements Amendment (Better Debates) Act 2018.

2 Commencement

This Act commences on the day it receives assent.

3 Objects

The objects of this Act are:
(a) encourage greater debate amongst parliamentarians; and
(b) increase the level of activity within Parliament

Part 2

This bill hereby amends the Parliamentary Participation Requirements Act 2017

Part 4 Section 4

4 Add

(3A) An elected representative who has not been excused under (2), and has failed to debate on at least one of the previous 3 bills and more than five days have elapsed, must be referred to the Judiciary by the relevant Chair.

Explanatory Memorandum

This bill seeks to add a requirement for members of the Parliament in both houses to better engage in debate on bills. The initial bill was raised to ensure those members that failed to vote would lose their seat this bill will seek to further tighten restrictions and ensure that members represent the voters but ensuring they will debate

Second Reading Speech

Mr Speaker,

I rise to speak in support of this bill. While most MPs and Senators engage in debate on bills presented to the house there are some that will never debate and only show up o the house to vote. To this I say that this will no longer be acceptable, this government is committed to ensuring that the Parliament works for all Australians and works to ensure their views are represented. This bill will encourage elected representatives to debate on bills presented in their respective houses or risk losing their seat. This bill like this government will further ensure that the people elected by Australians represent Australians and not just collect a paycheck as we saw from the past few governments.


Repealed by